[Paraview] Mac OS issue

Enoch Yejune Pae pyj3004 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 31 02:36:17 EDT 2017

Hi everyone, 

I am trying to use the mip viewer in paraview.
I tried installing it in two of my mac, but it turns out differently. 
One of my mac uses the El Capitan and my other one uses Sierra. 

Before I compiled the MIP viewer, in Sierra the original volume rendering itself works fine except for OSPRay Based one, showing the binary mask in 3D.
However, in the El Capitan OS, the volumetric rendering just comes out as a chunk of a 3D box, and cannot see the binary mask of the inner side. 
Anyone else had a similar problem? 

Also, I looked up compiling mip viewer in Paraview, and I found out that I should build Paraview from source and modify a little bit in order to do that. 
So I’m keep trying to compile Paraview from Source, but keep failing. 

In my mac OS Sierra, Qt doesn’t even build in the first place.
It’s keep saying that 
'You cannot configure qt separately within a top-level build.’

In my Linux machine, Qt is built fine, but Paraview doesn’t build. 
It keeps returning a message like
'could not find or locate the qt platform plugin minimal.’

I’m looking everywhere to fix this, but cannot find a clue. 

Anyone ever encountered any of these situations?

If you had please give me a hint on how you guys solved it.


Enoch Pae

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