[Paraview] ParaViewWeb/Visualizer file upload server

Sebastien Jourdain sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com
Mon Aug 14 10:47:42 EDT 2017

Hi Louise,

The upload part can be managed by the launcher or the actual ParaViewWeb
server (the later require additional args at startup).
That part was meant to be a proof of concept so we could create a form and
let the user upload the dataset that he wanted to visualize with Visualizer
either before or while Visualizer was running.

If you are using Apache, that means you will also have to forward /upload
to the launcher like you did with /paraview.

On the other hand creating your own endpoint for uploading file, should not
be too difficult either.

Here is the relevant part of the code that will register /upload if the
configuration provide such thing:



On Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 7:46 AM, <louise.davies at stfc.ac.uk> wrote:

> Hello,
> I was reading the docs for ParaViewWeb and Visualizer and I see they both
> mention a file upload server. Specifically, this section (
> https://kitware.github.io/paraviewweb/docs/python_
> launcher.html#Optional-Upload-Server) gives basic details of how it works.
> My question is that I can’t seem to see any evidence that this is working.
> My launcher config code specifies an “upload_dir” in the “configuration”
> section as detailed in the example launcher config file in the example but
> trying to send a post request to the URL specified (“/upload” rather than
> “/visualizer” which I use to access the Visualizer app) just results in an
> Apache “request URL not found” error.
> Am I interpreting the documentation incorrectly? Additionally, what is the
> functionality of the file upload server/what are its limitations? Could it
> allow for a user to upload a file and then modify that file in the
> Visualizer app? Or am I better off implementing my own file upload server?
> Thanks in advance,
> Louise
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