[Paraview] ParaViewWeb/Visualizer file upload server

louise.davies at stfc.ac.uk louise.davies at stfc.ac.uk
Mon Aug 14 09:46:31 EDT 2017


I was reading the docs for ParaViewWeb and Visualizer and I see they both mention a file upload server. Specifically, this section (https://kitware.github.io/paraviewweb/docs/python_launcher.html#Optional-Upload-Server) gives basic details of how it works.

My question is that I can't seem to see any evidence that this is working. My launcher config code specifies an "upload_dir" in the "configuration" section as detailed in the example launcher config file in the example but trying to send a post request to the URL specified ("/upload" rather than "/visualizer" which I use to access the Visualizer app) just results in an Apache "request URL not found" error.

Am I interpreting the documentation incorrectly? Additionally, what is the functionality of the file upload server/what are its limitations? Could it allow for a user to upload a file and then modify that file in the Visualizer app? Or am I better off implementing my own file upload server?

Thanks in advance,
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