[Paraview] Extract the index from selected points and extract plane parameters from slice

Andrei Zarojanu andrei_zarojanu at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 16 10:02:16 EDT 2017


Please help me with 2 issues:

I have a topography in paraview. After I select some points and I select the filter "Extract Selection" in the left a window appears with the index of the points in the order I choosed them. However when I save the csv file of this filter, I find the points ordered from small to large by their indexes. How can I save this selection, so I have the indexes in the order I choosed the points?
On the same topography I select the filter clip/slice. In the left appears a window with the plane parameters, the coordinates of the point and the coordinates of the normal. Is there any way to extract this values? When I save the csv file from this it gives the coordinates for all the points in the selection.
Thanks a lot!Best regards, Andrei

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