[Paraview] Create animation and center geometry

kenichiro yoshimi rccm.kyoshimi at gmail.com
Tue Sep 27 00:40:47 EDT 2016

Hi, Ryan

You try the script as follows from [Tools]-[Python Shell] after
reading datasets into ParaView.

from paraview.simple import *

# Change 10 to the amount of timesteps
for num in range(0,10):
    print 'Save screenshot ' + str(num)

    renderView1 = GetActiveViewOrCreate('RenderView')

    # Save screenshot
    # Change to your folder
    name = 'G:/ParaViewData-v4.1/Data/singleSphereAnimation/singleSphere'
+ str(num).zfill(4) + '.png'
    print 'Save as ' + str(name)
    SaveScreenshot(name, magnification=1, quality=100, view=renderView1)

    animationScene1 = GetAnimationScene()



2016-09-27 12:21 GMT+09:00 Jamison, Ryan Dale <rdjamis at sandia.gov>:
> Hello Everyone,
> I'm trying to save an animation of a finite element model that has large
> deformation. The center of the deformed geometry changes quite a lot during
> the simulation.
> When I save the animation, I'm actually saving it as png's and combining
> them afterwards in another tool. I can figure out a center for the model to
> use that will center on the final geometry but it doesn't look good at the
> beginning.
> How can I change the center of the geometry as time progresses and then save
> the animations as png's?
> Thanks, Ryan
> Sent with Good (www.good.com)
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