[Paraview] a lot of Generic Warning for vtkBuffer in PV5.1

David Lonie david.lonie at kitware.com
Tue Sep 6 08:55:10 EDT 2016

Hi Claire,

Sure, if you can send me the files I'll push them for review/merging.


On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 3:53 AM, GUILBAUD Claire <claire.guilbaud at cea.fr> wrote:
> Hi David,
> The trouble happens when ParaView is compiled with
> It seems there is a naming problem when using factories: the name used in
> the New method is not the same as the one used in the destructor.
> One of my colleague fixed it: in VTK/Common/Core, he modified
> vtkObjectFactory.h and .cxx, vtkPoints.cxx (New method), vtkPoints2D.cxx
> (New method).
> If you are interested, I can send you those 3 files.
> Have a good day.
> Claire
> On 08/12/16 15:21, David Lonie wrote:
> Oops, I sent that too quickly -- the vtkBuffer.h line should actually be:
>    vtkTemplateTypeMacro(vtkBuffer<ScalarTypeT>, vtkObject)
> with the template argument.
> Dave

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