[Paraview] webserver write up

andrealphus andrealphus at gmail.com
Tue Nov 8 12:58:36 EST 2016

Could someone explain to me how to correctly set up a local paraview webserver??

I've tried to follow the write-ups here;

But they seem inaccuracte/out of date. I have tried both the
quickstart and Ububtu LTS writeups.

I have an apache 2 server running.

Ive tried installing PV from both the direct download page (source and
binaries) as well as a github clone.

In regards to the quickstart it also seems like the given paths have
changed? (can someone verify??)

in the weite up
/bin/pvpython lib/paraview-4.1/site-packages/paraview/web/pv_web_visualizer.py
            --content ./share/paraview-4.1/www
            --data-dir /path-to-share/
            --port 8080 &

./bin/pvpython share/paraview-5.2/web/visualizer/server/pvw-visualizer.py \
 --content share/paraview-5.2/web/visualizer/www  \
--data-dir  /path-to-share
--port 8080

I can get a visualizer window up and running, but there are no control
buttons to load buttons just a frozen screen of the paraview grey
background and axis (which I can not rotate).

If I need to compile from source are there any specific flags I need
to set in ccmake beside paraview python?



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