[Paraview] GNOME is hanging with co-processing ...

Ufuk Utku Turuncoglu (BE) u.utku.turuncoglu at be.itu.edu.tr
Fri Nov 4 10:02:43 EDT 2016

Hi Andy,

I updated driver and install PV successfully. As you point out, the 
recent driver solves the problem. By the way, i installed the 
co-processing code with PV with EGL support and now it runs without any 
problem and produces desired png files. The only minor problem is that 
the result png files do not have axis titles and axis labels. There 
could be a bug related with co-processing.

Thanks for your help and suggestions,


On 03/11/16 15:42, Andy Bauer wrote:
> Hi,
> You'll probably want to use PV 5.1.2 or greater for this. Also, note 
> that the blog post says that the NVIDIA EGL driver minimum version 
> needed is 355.11.
> On Thu, Nov 3, 2016 at 5:52 AM, Ufuk Utku Turuncoglu (BE) 
> <u.utku.turuncoglu at be.itu.edu.tr 
> <mailto:u.utku.turuncoglu at be.itu.edu.tr>> wrote:
>     Hi Andy,
>     I am trying to install ParaView with EGL under Centos 7.1 but
>     ParaView configuration could not find following libraries,
>      EGL_gldispatch_LIBRARY EGL_gldispatch_LIBRARY-NOTFOUND
>     I checked the OS and Nvidia drivers and i confirmed that i don't
>     have libGLdispatch library.
>     BTW, i am using Nvidia driver version 352.79. It is little bit old
>     and now it is 367.57. Do you think that my driver is not capable
>     to install the ParaView with EGL? If this is the case, i will try
>     to upgrade the Nvidia library but i just want to be sure.
>     Thanks for your help,
>     Regards,
>     --ufuk
>     On 02/11/16 17:49, Andy Bauer wrote:
>>     Hi Ufuk,
>>     I haven't heard of any issues like this. Do you get similar
>>     behavior on the machine when running ParaView with a separate,
>>     connected pvserver?
>>     If you have an NVIDIA card you may be able to use their EGL libs
>>     for offscreen rendering (i.e. no x-windows needed). See the blog
>>     post at
>>     https://blog.kitware.com/off-screen-rendering-through-the-native-platform-interface-egl/
>>     <https://blog.kitware.com/off-screen-rendering-through-the-native-platform-interface-egl/>.
>>     Best,
>>     Andy
>>     On Wed, Nov 2, 2016 at 5:22 AM, Ufuk Utku Turuncoglu (BE)
>>     <u.utku.turuncoglu at be.itu.edu.tr
>>     <mailto:u.utku.turuncoglu at be.itu.edu.tr>> wrote:
>>         Hi,
>>         I am trying to run a parallel code with co-processing support
>>         but when i run the code, it is hanging without opening
>>         x-window and writing the png files. In this case, i could not
>>         use or interact with any other app with GUI such as firefox,
>>         terminal etc. It seems that it affects the GNOME. On the
>>         other hand, if i connect to machine remotely via ssh and kill
>>         the MPI process than the machine back to the normal and i
>>         could interact with terminal and other apps with GUI
>>         nornally. The system has Centos (7.1) operating system along
>>         with ParaView 5.2.0RC3 (BTW, i compiled ParaView from
>>         source). In this case, i am just running the code with
>>         standard mpirun command as follows,
>>         mpirun -np 16 ./main.x
>>         to find the source of the problem, i included strace command
>>         to the mpirun like following
>>         mpirun -np 16 strace ./main.x
>>         and it runs without any problem and produces desired output.
>>         So, at this point i am little bit confused and i just wonder
>>         that is there anybody else had similar issue before. Strace
>>         somehow solves the problem but i don't know how. It seems
>>         that it is related with the system because same code runs
>>         without any problem under MacOS. I also compiled code with
>>         ParaView 5.1 and it also hangs. The standard
>>         allinputsgridwriter.py is working without any problem and
>>         writes the data to disk. So, somehow it is related with the
>>         system (probably GNOME) or the ParaView installation.
>>         Another question is that is there any way to prevent opening
>>         x-window and still getting advantage of having GPU in this
>>         case? The code only writes the result in png format. So, i
>>         need installation for headless server (without any screen
>>         attached) but i am not sure. I think that it requires special
>>         configuration options for the ParaView installation. So,
>>         please let me know also about those special options.
>>         Regards,
>>         --ufuk
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