[Paraview] ParaviewWeb with remote, distributed data

Sven Kramer svenkramer40 at gmail.com
Mon May 9 15:34:07 EDT 2016

Hello Seb,
I got a working connection from pv_web_visualizer.py to a couple of
pvservers (started with mpirun on <hostname>) by just giving "--ds-host
<hostname> --ds-port 11111" from the link you mentioned. Is this correct,
without --rs-host? It is working in principle, but the renderview update
rate is not more than 2 updates/second for a tiny datasource even when
everything is running on the same machine.

Thank you

2016-05-06 22:26 GMT+02:00 Sebastien Jourdain <
sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com>:

> Hi Sven,
> 1) Yes, assuming you are using pv_web_visualizer.py you can look here:
> https://github.com/Kitware/ParaView/blob/master/Web/Applications/Visualizer/server/pv_web_visualizer.py#L18-L28
> 2) The server can push notification to the client. Need to slightly edit
> the client and server to match your needs.
> Seb
> On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 2:17 PM, Sven Kramer <svenkramer40 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I am currently running a VTK application, which is visualizing large
>> grids distributed on a MPI cluster.
>> My task is to migrate this application to the Web. But I cannot manage
>> more than what is described at
>> http://www.paraview.org/ParaView3/Doc/Nightly/www/js-doc/index.html#!/guide/quick_start,
>> that is I can serve a local data directory through the provided webapps.
>> I have two essential questions that stop me from getting started:
>> 1) How do I connect the pvpython server to remote data/render servers
>> just like I can do in Paraview?
>> 2) All ParaviewWeb examples seem to react on webclient requests. Our
>> application is processing data as they come in, and also the visualization
>> pipeline is frequently updated depending on an automatic analysis of the
>> arriving data. Can the newly rendered datasets be pushed to the webclient,
>> or does the webclient have to poll for available datasets?
>> Thank you
>> Sven
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