[Paraview] Paraview Installation Error

Akhilesh Sasankan (Student) Akhilesh.Sasankan at asu.edu
Fri Mar 11 00:56:28 EST 2016

Hello all!

I'm trying to install Paraview v5.0.0 in Ubuntu 12.04. I'm following this document to do this. http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView:Build_And_Install
I have installed all the dependencies. Also I have separate source and build folders. I configured Paraview using ccmake using the the setting mentioned in the document. (CMakeCahe attched) But once I run the make command:

make -j 4 

 I'm getting the following error:(this is the last portion )
[  0%] Building CXX object VTK/Utilities/KWSys/vtksys/CMakeFiles/vtksys.dir/FStream.cxx.o
[  0%] Building CXX object VTK/Utilities/KWSys/vtksys/CMakeFiles/vtksys.dir/SystemInformation.cxx.o
Linking C static library ../../../lib/libvtkWrappingTools-pv5.0.a
[  0%] Built target vtkWrappingTools
Linking CXX shared library ../../../../lib/libvtksys-pv5.0.so
[  0%] Built target vtksys
make: *** [all] Error 2

Can anyone help me with this? Thanks in Advance.

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