[Paraview] WebSocket connection failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 404

Gabriel Álvarez Castro gabriel.alvarez at usc.es
Fri Mar 11 06:12:44 EST 2016



We've installed ParaviewWeb 5.0 in a configuration of two machines: Apache
on one machine (Ubuntu 14.04), and the launcher and the ParaViewWeb
processes on a second machine (Ubuntu 15.10). We've the problem that when
trying to access the Visualizer ('Post-processing' link at index.html) the
'.../apps/Visualizer' tab opens but we receive the error 'WebSocket
connection failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response
code: 404'. We've tested before the same ParaviewWeb only in one machine
(Ubuntu 15.10) and it worked fine. Could someone help us please?







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