[Paraview] Mono and Stereo Rendering in the CAVE

Faiz Abidi fabidi89 at vt.edu
Tue Mar 29 23:14:45 EDT 2016

Aashish and David - the stereo is off (0) in the xorg.conf file. Paul (CC'd)
told me the reason for that - "If stereo is enabled that interferes with
the nvidia driver-level blending. This is a known issue in linux. Nvidia
has put it on their RFE list but it is not clear when it will be
done/fixed." So, I can't do what that link suggested. Although, I still
tried :) Outcome was weird. I tested on one wall, and what was happening
was that I saw left eye for a while, and then that faded, and then I got
the  right eye for a while, and then that faded, and again I got a left
eye. I got both eyes for a while as well, but then it again faded. This
process continued, clearly suggesting that there's some issue at the driver
level as Paul mentioned. Btw, Crystal eyes didn't work like before, and
threw OpenGL errors. So, I tested the above using Anaglyph.

Mark - I am using 1 process per DISPLAY (or projector you could say). We
have 8 projectors here each doing left, and right eye active stereo. So, I
would spawn 16 processes when I can get active stereo to work.

I think at this point we have no choice but to look into editing the source
code of Paraview, and see if we can customize it for our CAVE. This issue
seems like unique. If you have any suggestions on where I should start
looking into, that would be great help!

If anyone has any other ideas, I am happy to listen, and test it here.

On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 2:44 PM, Stock, Mark <Mark.Stock at nrel.gov> wrote:

> Faiz,
> Number 3 strikes me as odd: your graphics card and projectors should be
> capable of quad-buffered stereo, so you should only be using one MPI
> process per projector (i.e. 1 process per DISPLAY).
> I agree with previous posters in that you should try to get the
> synchronization with your glasses working first. How are the projectors
> synchronized (and what kinds of video cards are you using)?
> Mark
> (manages a 6-projector stereo setup at NREL and heavy user of ParaView)
> From: ParaView <paraview-bounces at paraview.org<mailto:
> paraview-bounces at paraview.org>> on behalf of Faiz Abidi <fabidi89 at vt.edu
> <mailto:fabidi89 at vt.edu>>
> Date: Saturday, March 26, 2016 at 12:19 AM
> To: Aashish Chaudhary <aashish.chaudhary at kitware.com<mailto:
> aashish.chaudhary at kitware.com>>
> Cc: Nicholas Polys <npolys at vt.edu<mailto:npolys at vt.edu>>, Lance Arsenault
> <lanceman at vt.edu<mailto:lanceman at vt.edu>>, "paraview at paraview.org<mailto:
> paraview at paraview.org>" <paraview at paraview.org<mailto:
> paraview at paraview.org>>
> Subject: Re: [Paraview] Mono and Stereo Rendering in the CAVE
> Hi Ashish,
> Thanks for your email. I was just now reading an old thread by you on a
> similar topic answering someone's query on a similar problem.
> 1. Yes, you are right. Two projectors per wall doing active stereo. So, in
> my PVX file, for doing only one half of the wall, I define Display=:0.0
> (left eye) and Display=:0.1 (right eye).
> 2. Yes, active stereo on each half of the wall.
> 3. Umm, no. Here's what's happening. Sorry if I didn't explain properly
> before. I use two processes to drive one half of the wall using mpi. I put
> on glasses and don't see anything with my right eye and see two images with
> my left. I tend to think this is where I am doing something wrong. I tried
> using 1 process to drive one half of the wall but same result.
> I just tried running glxgears in stereo and see an error - "Error:
> couldn't get an rgb double-buffered visual". :/ But I am running
> InstantReality projects in the same CAVE using stereo. This is a bit weird.
> Btw, I am using one powerful machine with 4 graphics card on it to drive
> the entire CAVE.
> Thanks again for your help! If you have any more ideas, I would be glad to
> hear.
> On Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 11:45 PM, Aashish Chaudhary <
> aashish.chaudhary at kitware.com<mailto:aashish.chaudhary at kitware.com>>
> wrote:
> Hi Faiz,
> Few things:
> 1| You have two projectors per wall each covering half of the wall
> 2| You are trying to do active stereo on each half part of the wall
> 3| You put glasses on and you see both left and right eye on the half wall
> from the same projector
> If this is the case, it sounds like your active stereo is not working. Are
> you sure your driver is setup up correctly? Before you try to work on
> cluster setup, just try working on one projector for debugging purposes. If
> I were you I would do this:
> 1) Just use PVX to run on one projector (half wall)
> 2) Make sure your driver is setup correctly. If this is linux try running
> glxgears in stereo mode (
> http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/karmic/man1/glxgears.1.html)
> 3) If 2) works then something is wrong with VTK/ParaView/Config somewhere.
> 4) Make sure that your active glasses are working meaning that they are
> syncing with the transmitter which is connected to the node
> Hope this helps.
> On Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 7:28 PM, Faiz Abidi <fabidi89 at vt.edu<mailto:
> fabidi89 at vt.edu>> wrote:
> Alright, I updated the pvx file some, just the correct coordinates.
> <?xml version="1.0" ?>
> <pvx>
>     <Process Type="client" />
>     <Process Type="server">
>     <!-- Tiled wall in Kitware -->
>     <EyeSeparation Value="0.065"/>
>     <Machine Name="CTL"
>            Environment="DISPLAY=:0.4"
>            Geometry="2560x1600+0+0"
>            FullScreen="0"
>            ShowBorders="0"
>            LowerLeft="-1.524  -0.381  -1.524"
>            LowerRight="1.524    -0.381  -1.524"
>            UpperRight="1.524    1.524   -1.524"/>
>     <Machine Name="CTR"
>            Environment="DISPLAY=:0.5"
>            Geometry="2560x1600+0+0"
>            FullScreen="1"
>            ShowBorders="0"
>            LowerLeft="-1.524    -0.381  -1.524"
>            LowerRight="1.524    -0.381  -1.524"
>            UpperRight="1.524    1.524   -1.524"/>
>     <Machine Name="CBL"
>            Environment="DISPLAY=:0.6"
>            Geometry="2560x1600+0+0"
>            FullScreen="1"
>            ShowBorders="0"
>            LowerLeft="-1.524    -1.524  -1.524"
>            LowerRight="1.524    -1.524  -1.524"
>            UpperRight="1.524    0.381   -1.524"/>
>     <Machine Name="CBR"
>            Environment="DISPLAY=:0.7"
>            Geometry="2560x1600+0+0"
>            FullScreen="1"
>            ShowBorders="0"
>            LowerLeft="-1.524    -1.524  -1.524"
>            LowerRight="1.524    -1.524  -1.524"
>            UpperRight="1.524    0.381   -1.524"/>
>  </Process>
> </pvx>
> I tried attaching an image for reference but my email didn't go through. I
> can see the two images (left eye, right eye) with an eye separation of
> 0.065, but for some reason, I see both the images with stereo glasses on in
> each eye. Any more ideas?
> Lance (CC'd) had an idea that maybe, we can do passive stereo rendering as
> well. Would you recommend that given our projectors here do support active
> stereo? I am still trying though to make it work with active stereo. Is
> there someway to define the viewpoints in the pvx file? Also, is there some
> kind of a schema for this pvx file published somewhere?
> Thanks for all your help!
> On Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 6:04 PM, Faiz Abidi <fabidi89 at vt.edu<mailto:
> fabidi89 at vt.edu>> wrote:
> Alright, I updated the pvx file some, just the correct coordinates.
> <?xml version="1.0" ?>
> <pvx>
>     <Process Type="client" />
>     <Process Type="server">
>     <!-- Tiled wall in Kitware -->
>     <EyeSeparation Value="0.065"/>
>     <Machine Name="CTL"
>            Environment="DISPLAY=:0.4"
>            Geometry="2560x1600+0+0"
>            FullScreen="0"
>            ShowBorders="0"
>            LowerLeft="-1.524  -0.381  -1.524"
>            LowerRight="1.524    -0.381  -1.524"
>            UpperRight="1.524    1.524   -1.524"/>
>     <Machine Name="CTR"
>            Environment="DISPLAY=:0.5"
>            Geometry="2560x1600+0+0"
>            FullScreen="1"
>            ShowBorders="0"
>            LowerLeft="-1.524    -0.381  -1.524"
>            LowerRight="1.524    -0.381  -1.524"
>            UpperRight="1.524    1.524   -1.524"/>
>     <Machine Name="CBL"
>            Environment="DISPLAY=:0.6"
>            Geometry="2560x1600+0+0"
>            FullScreen="1"
>            ShowBorders="0"
>            LowerLeft="-1.524    -1.524  -1.524"
>            LowerRight="1.524    -1.524  -1.524"
>            UpperRight="1.524    0.381   -1.524"/>
>     <Machine Name="CBR"
>            Environment="DISPLAY=:0.7"
>            Geometry="2560x1600+0+0"
>            FullScreen="1"
>            ShowBorders="0"
>            LowerLeft="-1.524    -1.524  -1.524"
>            LowerRight="1.524    -1.524  -1.524"
>            UpperRight="1.524    0.381   -1.524"/>
>  </Process>
> </pvx>
> Attached is one image for reference. I can clearly the two images with an
> eye separation of 0.065, but for some reason, I see both the images with
> stereo glasses on. Any more ideas?
> Lance (CC'd) had an idea that maybe, we can do passive stereo rendering as
> well. Would you recommend that given our projectors here do support active
> stereo? I am still trying though to make it work with active stereo. Is
> there someway to define the viewpoints in the pvx file? Also, is there some
> kind of a schema for this pvx file published somewhere?
> Thanks for all your help!
> On Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 4:55 PM, Faiz Abidi <fabidi89 at vt.edu<mailto:
> fabidi89 at vt.edu>> wrote:
> I can see the error from both the client, and the server.
> Just tried RedBlue and I got a left eye but no right eye. When I changed
> the server's type to from Same as Client to CrystalEyes, I get the same
> errors in vtkOpenGLCamera.cxx.
> On Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 4:34 PM, David E DeMarle <dave.demarle at kitware.com
> <mailto:dave.demarle at kitware.com>> wrote:
> Is that error message from the client or server process?
> Also, try just RedBlue at first and verify that you get two perspectives.
> Then in the properties panel, change the server's type to from Same as
> Client to CrystalEyes.
> David E DeMarle
> Kitware, Inc.
> R&D Engineer
> 21 Corporate Drive
> Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
> Phone: 518-881-4909<tel:518-881-4909>
> On Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 4:27 PM, Faiz Abidi <fabidi89 at vt.edu<mailto:
> fabidi89 at vt.edu>> wrote:
> I do enable --stereo on the client side when connecting to the server, but
> when I give --stereo-type="Crystal Eyes", I get OpenGL errors in
> vtkOpenGLCamera.cxx. I don't get that when I don't specify the stereo type.
> I *think* that's because "Crystal Eyes" ain't supported by the projectors
> we have here (not sure).
> Yes, I checked the stereo type in the properties panel. It sets it to
> Anaglyph, and Server Stereo Type = Same as Client.
> On Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 4:07 PM, David E DeMarle <dave.demarle at kitware.com
> <mailto:dave.demarle at kitware.com>> wrote:
> Have you started the client that connects to the pvserver with --stereo
> and verified the stereo type for client and server jobs the view section of
> the properties panel?
> On Mar 25, 2016 3:43 PM, "Faiz Abidi" <fabidi89 at vt.edu<mailto:
> fabidi89 at vt.edu>> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I have setup Paraview5 in a CAVE environment at Virginia Tech. I got mono
> to work but I am stuck with Stereo rendering.
> Below is my stereo cave.pvx file.
> <?xml version="1.0" ?>
> <pvx>
>     <Process Type="client" />
>     <Process Type="server">
>     <!-- Tiled wall in Kitware -->
>     <EyeSeparation Value="0.065"/>
>     <Machine Name="CTL"
>            Environment="DISPLAY=:0.4"
>            Geometry="2560x1600+0+0"
>            FullScreen="1"
>            ShowBorders="0"
>            LowerLeft="-1  -1  -1"
>            LowerRight="1    -1  -1"
>            UpperRight="1    1   -1"/>
>     <Machine Name="CTR"
>            Environment="DISPLAY=:0.5"
>            Geometry="2560x1600+0+0"
>            FullScreen="1"
>            ShowBorders="0"
>            LowerLeft="-1    -1  1"
>            LowerRight="1   -1  -1"
>            UpperRight="1   1   -1"/>
>     <Machine Name="CBL"
>            Environment="DISPLAY=:0.6"
>            Geometry="2560x1600+0+0"
>            FullScreen="1"
>            ShowBorders="0"
>            LowerLeft="-1  -1  -1"
>            LowerRight="1    -1  -1"
>            UpperRight="1    1   -1"/>
>     <Machine Name="CBR"
>            Environment="DISPLAY=:0.7"
>            Geometry="2560x1600+0+0"
>            FullScreen="1"
>            ShowBorders="0"
>            LowerLeft="-1  -1  -1"
>            LowerRight="1    -1  -1"
>            UpperRight="1    1   -1"/>
>  </Process>
> </pvx>
> The problem is that I don't see any distinction between the left, and the
> right eye. I would have attached images if it helps but that may make my
> email too big to be approved by the moderator.
> About the setup in the lab - we have 8 projectors driving this 4-sdied
> cave, 2 projectors for each wall. The projectors do active stereo,
> 2560x1600 resolution.
> We think the issue maybe with setting up the correct view frustum but not
> sure. Anybody seen this issue before?
> --
> Faiz Abidi | Master's Student at Virginia Tech | www.faizabidi.com<
> http://www.faizabidi.com> | +1-540-998-6636<tel:%2B1-540-998-6636>
> _______________________________________________
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> --
> Faiz Abidi | Master's Student at Virginia Tech | www.faizabidi.com<
> http://www.faizabidi.com> | +1-540-998-6636<tel:%2B1-540-998-6636>
> --
> Faiz Abidi | Master's Student at Virginia Tech | www.faizabidi.com<
> http://www.faizabidi.com> | +1-540-998-6636<tel:%2B1-540-998-6636>
> --
> Faiz Abidi | Master's Student at Virginia Tech | www.faizabidi.com<
> http://www.faizabidi.com> | +1-540-998-6636<tel:%2B1-540-998-6636>
> --
> Faiz Abidi | Master's Student at Virginia Tech | www.faizabidi.com<
> http://www.faizabidi.com> | +1-540-998-6636<tel:%2B1-540-998-6636>
> _______________________________________________
> Powered by www.kitware.com<http://www.kitware.com>
> Visit other Kitware open-source projects at
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> Please keep messages on-topic and check the ParaView Wiki at:
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> Search the list archives at: http://markmail.org/search/?q=ParaView
> Follow this link to subscribe/unsubscribe:
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> --
> | Aashish Chaudhary
> | Technical Leader
> | Kitware Inc.
> | http://www.kitware.com/company/team/chaudhary.html
> --
> Faiz Abidi | Master's Student at Virginia Tech | www.faizabidi.com<
> http://www.faizabidi.com> | +1-540-998-6636

Faiz Abidi | Master's Student at Virginia Tech | www.faizabidi.com |
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