[Paraview] Mono and Stereo Rendering in the CAVE

David E DeMarle dave.demarle at kitware.com
Fri Mar 25 16:07:09 EDT 2016

Have you started the client that connects to the pvserver with --stereo and
verified the stereo type for client and server jobs the view section of the
properties panel?
On Mar 25, 2016 3:43 PM, "Faiz Abidi" <fabidi89 at vt.edu> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I have setup Paraview5 in a CAVE environment at Virginia Tech. I got mono
> to work but I am stuck with Stereo rendering.
> Below is my stereo cave.pvx file.
> <?xml version="1.0" ?>
> <pvx>
>     <Process Type="client" />
>     <Process Type="server">
>     <!-- Tiled wall in Kitware -->
>     <EyeSeparation Value="0.065"/>
>     <Machine Name="CTL"
>            Environment="DISPLAY=:0.4"
>            Geometry="2560x1600+0+0"
>            FullScreen="1"
>            ShowBorders="0"
>            LowerLeft="-1  -1  -1"
>            LowerRight="1    -1  -1"
>            UpperRight="1    1   -1"/>
>     <Machine Name="CTR"
>            Environment="DISPLAY=:0.5"
>            Geometry="2560x1600+0+0"
>            FullScreen="1"
>            ShowBorders="0"
>            LowerLeft="-1    -1  1"
>            LowerRight="1   -1  -1"
>            UpperRight="1   1   -1"/>
>     <Machine Name="CBL"
>            Environment="DISPLAY=:0.6"
>            Geometry="2560x1600+0+0"
>            FullScreen="1"
>            ShowBorders="0"
>            LowerLeft="-1  -1  -1"
>            LowerRight="1    -1  -1"
>            UpperRight="1    1   -1"/>
>     <Machine Name="CBR"
>            Environment="DISPLAY=:0.7"
>            Geometry="2560x1600+0+0"
>            FullScreen="1"
>            ShowBorders="0"
>            LowerLeft="-1  -1  -1"
>            LowerRight="1    -1  -1"
>            UpperRight="1    1   -1"/>
>  </Process>
> </pvx>
> The problem is that I don't see any distinction between the left, and the
> right eye. I would have attached images if it helps but that may make my
> email too big to be approved by the moderator.
> About the setup in the lab - we have 8 projectors driving this 4-sdied
> cave, 2 projectors for each wall. The projectors do active stereo,
> 2560x1600 resolution.
> We think the issue maybe with setting up the correct view frustum but not
> sure. Anybody seen this issue before?
> --
> Faiz Abidi | Master's Student at Virginia Tech | www.faizabidi.com |
> +1-540-998-6636
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