[Paraview] problem with ParaView build

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Sat Mar 5 10:29:40 EST 2016


If you not planning on running tests, it may be easiest to just turn
off BUILD_TESTING cmake flag and then build to avoid these errors. All
the baselines and datafiles needed for testing are downloaded during
the build step when testing is enabled.


On Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 7:23 PM, Mark Bartelt <mark at cacr.caltech.edu> wrote:
> G'day ...  This is my first experience with ParaView, so apologies
> if my problem has been reported before.  (I looked through archived
> mailing list items, but didn't notice anything.)  Anyway ...
> I'm trying to build ParaView from source on a Linux system (RHEL5).
> I grabbed ParaView-v4.4.0-source.tar.gz and installed prerequisites
> that it needed which weren't already on the system (and some of the
> prerequisites had prerequisites of their own), but eventually I had
> gotten to the point where I was ready to use "ccmake" to configure
> things and generate a makefile.  That all went OK (the makefile is
> nearly ten thousand lines long; yow!), but then when I started the
> "make", it hit a snag almost immediately.  The first message that
> it emitted said ...
>         Scanning dependencies of target ParaViewData
> ... and then it started downloading various .png files.  The first
> of these went fine ...
> Generating /panfs/ds08/support/INSTALL/ParaView/ParaView-v4.4.0-source/build/ExternalData/Testing/Data/Baseline/pqCoreBasicApp.png
> -- Fetching "http://midas3.kitware.com/midas/api/rest?method=midas.bitstream.download&checksum=b10bd3f7136ef809f1df7ad5c94c553f&algorithm=MD5"
> -- Fetching "http://www.paraview.org/files/ExternalData/MD5/b10bd3f7136ef809f1df7ad5c94c553f"
> -- Downloaded object: "/panfs/ds08/support/INSTALL/ParaView/ParaView-v4.4.0-source/build/ExternalData/Objects/MD5/b10bd3f7136ef809f1df7ad5c94c553f"
> ... as did the second through sixth.  But when it tried to grab the
> seventh one, it had a problem:
> Generating /panfs/ds08/support/INSTALL/ParaView/ParaView-v4.4.0-source/build/ExternalData/Testing/Data/Baseline/SciberQuestToolKit-TestFieldTracer-IntersectColor.png
> -- Fetching "http://midas3.kitware.com/midas/api/rest?method=midas.bitstream.download&checksum=175bb7beec559a9c3c31fbcdba7fc629&algorithm=MD5"
> -- Fetching "http://www.paraview.org/files/ExternalData/MD5/175bb7beec559a9c3c31fbcdba7fc629"
> CMake Error at /panfs/ds08/support/INSTALL/ParaView/ParaView-v4.4.0-source/CMake/ExternalData.cmake:749 (message):
>   Object MD5=175bb7beec559a9c3c31fbcdba7fc629 not found at:
>     http://midas3.kitware.com/midas/api/rest?method=midas.bitstream.download&checksum=175bb7beec559a9c3c31fbcdba7fc629&algorithm=MD5 ("unsupported protocol")
>     http://www.paraview.org/files/ExternalData/MD5/175bb7beec559a9c3c31fbcdba7fc629 ("HTTP response code said error")
> Digging a bit deeper, I find that if I try to do a "wget" of any of
> those midas3.kitware.com URLs, what gets downloaded is a file which
> contains a message like ...
>  {"code":"-150","data":"","message":"The bitstream does not exist or you do not have the permissions","stat":"fail"}
> However, if I do a "wget" of the www.paraview.org URLs, those all do
> in fact succeed in downloading the .png file, until that seventh one;
> for that, I get this:
> --2016-03-04 16:09:39--  http://www.paraview.org/files/ExternalData/MD5/175bb7beec559a9c3c31fbcdba7fc629
> Resolving www.paraview.org...
> Connecting to www.paraview.org||:80... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
> 2016-03-04 16:09:40 ERROR 403: Forbidden.
> So has that file inadvertently been changed to be nonreadable by the
> www.paraview.org server?
> Thanks for whatever suggestions any of you might have ...
> ---------------
> Mark Bartelt
> California Institute of Technology
> Pasadena, California  91125
> 626 395 2522
> mark at cacr.caltech.edu
> http://www.cacr.caltech.edu/~mark
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