[Paraview] Paraview 5.0.1 - Registering new view

Andrzej Peczak apeczak at ara.co.uk
Wed Jun 22 13:25:16 EDT 2016


I am trying to figure out how can I register a new view under a name different  than the default "YXYChartView" which replaces the default representation in Paraview,  but I am either getting the  assertion failure "ASSERT: "pqPreferredView" in file /spare/Andrzej/packages/ParaView-5.0-source/Qt/ApplicationComponents/pqApplyBehavior.cxx, line 277" when 
do things like this 

	<ProxyGroup name="views">
		<ContextViewProxy base_proxygroup="internal_views"
			base_proxyname="ARAXYChartViewBase4Axes" class="ARAPVXYChartViewClass"
			name="ARAXYChartView" label=" My  Line Chart View" processes="client|renderserver|dataserver"
			representation_name="ARAXYChartRepresentation" post_creation="SetChartTypeToLine">

or more specifically like this

	<ProxyGroup name="views">
		<ContextViewProxy base_proxygroup="internal_views"
			base_proxyname="XYChartViewBase4Axes" class="vtkPVXYChartViewClass"
			name="ARAXYChartView" label=" My  Line Chart View" processes="client|renderserver|dataserver"
			representation_name="XYChartRepresentation" post_creation="SetChartTypeToLine">

and then

	<ProxyGroup name="filters">
		<SourceProxy class="vtkPassThrough" label="ARA Plot Data"
			<InputProperty command="SetInputConnection" name="Input">
				<ProxyGroupDomain name="groups">
					<Group name="sources" />
					<Group name="filters" />
				<DataTypeDomain name="input_type">
					<DataType value="vtkDataObject" />
				<Documentation>The input.</Documentation>
				<ShowInMenu category="ARA Extensions" show_in_toolbar="0" />
				<View type="ARAXYChartView" />
				<Plotable />

Is there a way to register a new view at all ?

Thank you,


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