[Paraview] Visualizing load paths

Sellmann, Kai Asaad asaad.sellmann at rwth-aachen.de
Wed Jul 13 05:41:45 EDT 2016

Thanks Andy! That works perfectly!!!!

Von: Andy Bauer <andy.bauer at kitware.com>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 12. Juli 2016 16:03
An: Sellmann, Kai Asaad; paraview at paraview.org
Betreff: Re: [Paraview] Visualizing load paths

Hi Asaad,

Please keep the discussion on the mailing list so that everyone can follow along that wants to.

The issue is that your vtk file is incorrect and the cells are being passed in as VTK_POLY_VERTEX instead of 10 noded tets. The change for this is to change the CELL_TYPES value from 2 to 24. The reason that the stream tracer doesn't work is that the cells have no volume so when the stream tracer tries to find which cell a seed or point along the streamline belongs to it doesn't and thus the streamline never begins or ends.


On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 3:01 AM, Sellmann, Kai Asaad <asaad.sellmann at rwth-aachen.de<mailto:asaad.sellmann at rwth-aachen.de>> wrote:

Hey Andy!

Yes, no Problem. I attached my vtk file which includes the nodal coordinates and corresponding IDs. It also includes the definition of my elements which are 10 node tetra elements. And it includes nodal and elemental Force vectors, each consisting of Fx,Fy and Fz. Each of theses vectors are created with the qudrature norm of three tensor components. And last but not least this file includes the Fx force vector consisting of three tensor components(without quadrature). This force vector is supposed to represent the load path in x direction. to visualize that load path I want to use the stream tracer filter.

My idea is following the approach of D.W. Kelly (see Load paths and Load Flow in Finite Element Analysis) and the last attached file has figures that might show a bit more of what I am trying to achieve.

If you need any additional information please let me know!

Thanks in advance for any kind of hint or help!!

Best wishes,


Von: Andy Bauer <andy.bauer at kitware.com<mailto:andy.bauer at kitware.com>>
Gesendet: Montag, 11. Juli 2016 16:59
An: Sellmann, Kai Asaad
Cc: paraview at paraview.org<mailto:paraview at paraview.org>
Betreff: Re: [Paraview] Visualizing load paths

Can you share your dataset and specific information on what you're trying to do in ParaView?


On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 3:53 AM, Sellmann, Kai Asaad <asaad.sellmann at rwth-aachen.de<mailto:asaad.sellmann at rwth-aachen.de>> wrote:

Dear Paraview Community,
I have succeded to import my FEM Data (Nodal Coordinates, Element Connectivity and Nodal Tensions) into Paraview via a self written *.vtk-file.
Now that I finally have my Force Vectors I want to use the stream tracer filter. But whatever I do ülaying around with the stream tracer settings, nothing happens.
I don't even get an error message or anything like that. Is there any additional documentation about the stream tracer filter? Anything else I could read and can't find on google?

I'd be grateful for any hints, help or critics =)

Thanks a lot!

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