[Paraview] setup pvserver with remote rendering, was Segfault with OpenGL2

Chuck Atkins chuck.atkins at kitware.com
Tue Apr 12 14:08:44 EDT 2016

> I have: Server Type = Client/Server
> Host=localhost
> Port=11772
> Command:  ssh -L 11772:remote-box:11772 user at remote-box pvserver
> --server-port=11772

When remotely launching a pvserver in this sort of configuration (i.e. egl
+ directly via an ssh command), a few things make this easier / more

   - Disable OpenGL version testing.
      - This works around an issue with EGL in pvserver at the moment with
      remote rendering.
      - Use reverse port forwarding instead.
      - Basically the client listens and the server initiates a connection
      back through the tunnel.
   - Run the connection command within an xterm to be able to easily see
   pvserver output and to enter any necessary credentials via stdin (if you
   can't do key based authentication, for example).
      - Not necessary but a nice to have

Combining both of these, try the following settings:

   - Server Type = Client / Server (reverse connection)
   - Port: 11772
   - Command:

   xterm -e ssh -R 11772:localhost:11772 user at remotebox
   /path/to/install/bin/pvserver --disable-xdisplay-test --reverse-connection
   --client-host=localhost --server-port=11772

> If I set DISPLAY=:0.0 in tunneling command, I get the same error as in the
> manual setup.

When using EGL, there is no X server interaction so the DISPLAY variable
isn't used.

> Maybe, my compilation with EGL did not succeed?

Try with the above mentioned connection configuration and we'll go from
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