[Paraview] Multi-tiled Distributed Display

David E DeMarle dave.demarle at kitware.com
Mon Sep 21 14:15:57 EDT 2015

typo in that last message:
mpiexec -hosts 2 s01 4 s02 4 pvserver -tdx=4 -tdy=1 tile.pvx

or any other syntax that starts up the right number of jobs on the right

David E DeMarle
Kitware, Inc.
R&D Engineer
21 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
Phone: 518-881-4909

On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 2:14 PM, David E DeMarle <dave.demarle at kitware.com>

> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 1:05 PM, andrew solis <andrewjsolis13 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Sorry, I also probably should of mentioned that I am running CentOS on
>> all of the systems.
>> Thanks
>> Andrew Solis
>> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 11:02 AM, andrew solis <andrewjsolis13 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hey everyone,
>>>      I'm trying to run Paraview using the vrpn plugin so that I can show
>>> off Paraview on a distributed multi-tiled display, and I'm stuck on getting
>>> it set up. The head machine is named stallion and there are 20 different
>>> nodes that control 4 different screens horizontally that make up a 16x5
>>> display. I'm trying to get Paraview to run on just one server machine as a
>>> test and have been following the documentation on Immersiver Paraview found
>>> at http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/Immersive_ParaView. I've set up my pvx
>>> file to be like so:
>>> <?xml version="1.0" ?>
>>> <pvx>
>>>   <Process Type="client">
>>>     <!-- Stallion Head Node -->
>>>     <Machine Name="stallion"
>>>              Environment="DISPLAY=:0"
>>>              Geometry="1280x1000+0+0"
>>>              ShowBorders="1" />
>>>   </Process>
> On everest at ornl we have different displays for each of the screens
> controlled by a node.
>>   <Process Type="server">
>>>     <!-- Stallion distributed multi-tiled display -->
>>>     <Machine Name="s01"
>>>              Environment="DISPLAY=:0"
>>>              FullScreen="1"
>>>              ShowBorders="0" />
>>     <Machine Name="s01"
>              Environment="DISPLAY=:0.1"
>              FullScreen="1"
>              ShowBorders="0" />
>     <Machine Name="s01"
>              Environment="DISPLAY=:0.2"
>              FullScreen="1"
>              ShowBorders="0" />
>     <Machine Name="s01"
>              Environment="DISPLAY=:0.3"
>              FullScreen="1"
>              ShowBorders="0" />
>     <Machine Name="s02"
>              Environment="DISPLAY=:0"
>              FullScreen="1"
>              ShowBorders="0" />
> Then we mpiexec multiple processes per node.
> mpiexec -hosts 8 s01 4 s02 4 pvserver -tdx=4 -tdy=1 tile.pvx
> Then start the client and connect to the root node of the server (s01
> presumably) through the connect dialog box.
>>   </Process>
>>> </pvx>
>>> where s01 is one of the machines I'm using to show off with FullScreen
>>> declared so Paraview is shown on all four screens the server controls
>>> horizontally. What I'm confused about now is probably stupid, but now that
>>> I have my pvx set up I want to test and see if I can get it to show on my
>>> display, but I'm not sure how. I'm also relatively new to using vrpn so I
>>> didn't know if I needed to set up anything with that as well beyond
>>> installing the vrpn plugin. Please feel free to let me know if I explained
>>> something wrong or if I need to answer any other questions, and any help
>>> will be greatly appreciated.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Andrew Solis
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