[Paraview] Bug in 4.2 and above

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Tue Nov 3 16:47:05 EST 2015

I couldn't reproduce the issue on linux. Can you share the two CSV
files you're getting?


On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 1:51 PM, David Ortley <djortley at gmail.com> wrote:
> All,
> I've found a problem in Paraview that seems to be in every version from 4.2
> to current (4.4) which involves the selecting and exporting of points as
> .csv files.  This problem doesn't appear in version 4.1, and I don't recall
> it appearing in versions prior, but I've not tested that fully.
> I've also only tested the problem out with moderate sized data sets (around
> 10k or more points) and only on a Mac Pro (with 64 Gigs of Ram).
> To test the problem, I used the following R script will create a file named
> 'break.csv' (though this seems to be a problem with any large set of points)
> :
> #!/usr/bin/env Rscript
> # cols x,y,z are position
> # col r is radius, col n is an index number
> df=data.frame(x=rnorm(10000),y=rnorm(10000),z=rnorm(10000),n=seq(10000))
> df$r=sqrt(df$x**2 + df$y**2 + df$z**2)
> write.csv(df, 'break.csv', row.names=F, quote=F)
> Load the file in Paraview, then add 'Table To Points', assigning X,Y and Z
> appropriately.
> Enable the 'Table To Points' filter in the 3D view and use the 'Select
> points through (g)' button on the 3D view to select about half of the
> points.
> In the Spreadsheet view, make sure the 'TableToPoints*' filter is selected
> and click the 'Show only selected elements'.
> With the Spreadsheet view still active:
> File -> Export Scene...
> and save the file as a .CSV.
> If you load the newly saved .CSV file and apply 'Table To Points' to
> Points:0, Points:1 and Points:2, the data is a mess (you may have to reset
> your view to see some of the mess.)
> Is anybody else able to reproduce this?  If so, is there already an open
> ticket somewhere, or does a bug report need to be written?
> -David Ortley.
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