[Paraview] Switching Between Readers

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Tue May 19 09:58:11 EDT 2015


Can your reader tell if it can read the file irrespective of its
extension? If so, just implement a "int CanReadFile (const char
*fname)" method on the the reader classes that will test a file. Now
you can have two reader supporting the same extension and ParaView
will create the correct reader automatically. There can be multiple
reader supporting the same extensions even without this CanReaderFile
too. In that case, ParaView will automatically popup a reader
selection dialog.


On Sun, May 17, 2015 at 10:33 PM, Dean, Kevin
<kevin.dean at decisionsciencescorp.com> wrote:
> I was wondering if there was a way to instantiate a superclass that, let's
> say, can switch between vtkPolyDataAlgorithm and vtkImageAlgorithm.
> I have a reader that (as of now) converts the data within a protobuf file to
> image data.
> But currently, I have multiple protobuf files with different information.
> However, the file extension is still .pbuf, and it seems that the reader xml
> parsers the files based off this input.
> So would it be easier to change the filename? Or is there a way to switch
> between the two algorithm classes?
> Thanks for your time!
> Kevin E. Dean
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