[Paraview] Can I parallelize different input files?

Adam Lyon lyon at fnal.gov
Fri Jul 10 09:34:50 EDT 2015

Hi - I have 12 fairly large vti files (each one is a simulation of part of
the magnetic field of my particle physics detector). Each file covers a
distinct part of the total volume, so that all 12 together covers the whole
thing. This would seem to be a perfect opportunity to try to parallelize
Paraview's handling of these files - one CPU per vti file.  I have a
machine with lots of cores at my disposal. Will Paraview recognize by
itself that it can parallelize its operations, one CPU per vti file, or do
I need to do something to make that happen? There's no overlap between the
files - will that be a problem? My plan is to run a pvserver on the
many-core CPU machine and connect to it via my Mac. Any advice would be
helpful and appreciated!  Thanks! -- Adam

*Adam L. Lyon*
*Scientist; Associate Division Head for Systems for Scientific Applications*

Scientific Computing Division & Muon g-2 Experiment
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
630 840 5522 office
lyon at fnal.gov

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