[Paraview] Adding functionality to the apply event

Cory Quammen cory.quammen at kitware.com
Fri Jul 3 10:58:10 EDT 2015

Hi Chris,

The pqPropertiesPanel fires off applied() and applied(pqProxy *) signals
when the "Apply" button is clicked. Would it work for you to connect one of
these signals to a slot in a custom Qt-side class in your plugin? If so,
can make your plugin an autostart plugin (see [1]) to instantiate your Qt
class, and connect it to signals fired from the pqPropertiesPanel. You
should be able to do this by looping over all the pqPropertiesPanels like
this in your plugin's custom Qt class onStart() slot:

foreach (pqPropertiesPanel* ppanel,
  connect(ppanel, SIGNAL(applied()), myCustomQtObject, SLOT(onApplied()));

where you do your additional actions in the onApplied() slot.

Please let me know if that wasn't clear.


[1] http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/Plugin_HowTo#Autostart_Plugins

On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 5:37 PM, cunrein <cunrein at micron.com> wrote:

> Hello List,
> In a [much much] older version of ParaView, I have a working
> filter/objectPanel pair that inherits from pqAutoGeneratedObjectPanel and
> overloads the accept method.  I want to update this to work with PV4.3.
> ObjectPanels have been replaced with the PropertyPanel.  Do I want to
> inherit from pqPropertyPanel and overload the apply method?  If so, is
> there a CMake macro to add this?  It doesn't look like
> ADD_PARAVIEW_OBJECT_PANEL will work with the new panel philosophy.  If
> creating a new panel is not the right thing to do anymore, how do I add
> functionality to the apply event?
> Thanks, Chris
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Cory Quammen
R&D Engineer
Kitware, Inc.
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