[Paraview] Creating a vtp file

Norman Goldstein normvcr at telus.net
Thu Jul 2 12:37:45 EDT 2015

Yes, thanks, that is exactly what I needed.

I was getting memory errors when using myArrray->InsertNextTuple1( value )
This cleared up when I switched to myArrray->InsertTuple1( index, value ).

On 07/02/2015 04:40 AM, Cory Quammen wrote:
> Hi Norman,
> To set point data, you can first get the point data object with
> vtkPointData* pointData = polydata->GetPointData();
> Then you can add arrays to it:
> vtkFloatArray* myArrray = vtkFloatArray::New();
> myArray->SetName("myArray");
> myArray->SetNumberOfComponents(1);
> myArray->SetNumberOfTuples(polydata->GetNumberOfPoints());
> // Set array elements here...
> pointData->AddArray(myArray);
> The same holds true for cell data, just replace PointData with 
> CellData, and set the number of tuples to the number of cells instead 
> of the number of points.
> Hope this helps,
> Cory
> On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 1:57 AM, Norman Goldstein <normvcr at telus.net 
> <mailto:normvcr at telus.net>> wrote:
>     From net examples and on-line docs, I have gleaned some of the
>     info to create a full 1-piece vtp file:
>     Call
>     vtkXMLPolyDataWriter::SetInputData( vtkDataObject
>     <http://www.vtk.org/doc/nightly/html/classvtkDataObject.html> *)
>     where you pass in a vtkPolyData, which you first set up with the
>     methods:
>     SetVerts
>     SetLines
>     SetPolys
>     SetStrips
>     and the parent method
>     SetPoints
>     What I have not figured out is how to set the vtp fields
>     PointData and CellData
>     Any pointers much appreciated ...
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> -- 
> Cory Quammen
> R&D Engineer
> Kitware, Inc.

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