[Paraview] Display user-defined point and cell IDs from Ensight6 file as labels

Manuel González iinmgc00 at udc.es
Wed Jan 21 16:58:46 EST 2015


I need to display (as labels) the user-defined point IDs and cell IDs in ASCII Ensight6 geometry files. These IDs are neither zero-based nor contiguous.

Ensight does it correctly, but Paraview displays zero-based contiguous IDs instead of the user-defined IDs given in the file.
The user-defined IDs neither show in the spreadsheet view of Paraview.

I send attached a very simple example:

  ensight6_case.case       data file (case).
  ensight6_geometry.geo    data file (geometry). Point IDs=3,5,32,33. Cell IDs=10,20.
  Ensight.PNG              Ensight screenshot, displaying used-defined IDs.
  Paraview.PNG             Paraview screenshot, not displaying used-defined IDs.
  Paraview_state.zip       Paraview state file after the screenshot.
  ens_checker_output.txt   Ensight checker output, showing that the file format is correct.

For your information, I copy here the attached geometry file (ensight6_geometry.geo):

---- START OF FILE: ensight6_geometry.geo ----
This is a test file
node id given
element id given
       3 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00
       5 6.90183e-01 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00
      32 0.00000e+00 5.94416e-01 0.00000e+00
      33 3.45092e-01 2.97208e-01 0.00000e+00
part        1
      10       3       5      33
      20      32       3      33
---- END OF FILE: ensight6_geometry.geo ----

To reproduce my problem in Paraview 4.3.1 64 bit on Windows 7:
  Open the .case file and make it visible in the Pipeline Browser.
  Select all cells, activate Cell Labels = ID in the Selection Display Inspector.
  Select all points, activate Point Labels = ID in the Selection Display Inspector.

I know I could workaround it by also storing the used-defined IDs as scalar fields per point and per cell. But this forces me to generate 2 additional files (point field and cell field) for each .geo file, thus triplicating the number of files for my transient data.

Would it be possible with a different file format? I mean, is there any other ASCII file format that supports used-defined point and cell IDs that Paraview can read and display as labels?

I asked I similar question 5 years ago for the Ensight Gold format, but I did not get a solution:

Associate Professor
University of A Coruña, Spain
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