***************************************************************** * EnSight Data Format Checker * * =========================== * * Currently, * * 1. Must be run from directory in which casefile is located. * * 2. Handles EnSight6 and EnSight Gold formats only. * * 3. Does not process SOS casefiles. * ***************************************************************** Casefile to Process: -------------------- ensight6_case.case (Opened successfully) --------------------- Major Sections Found: --------------------- Required FORMAT section (at line 1) Required GEOMETRY section (at line 4) --------------- FORMAT Section: --------------- EnSight 6 Format (set at line 2) ----------------- GEOMETRY Section: ----------------- -------- Model filename is: ensight6_geometry.geo (at line 5) Static geometry -------- Opened ensight6_geometry.geo successfully File type is: ASCII This is Step: 0 Description 1: This is a test file Description 2: ASCII node ids: given element ids: given Global section: Number of nodes: 4 Ids and coordinates for (4) nodes found Part 1: Description is: description Unstructured Part Number of tria3 elements in section is: 2 Ids and connectivities for (2) tria3 elements found >-----------------------< > GEOMETRY section OKAY < >-----------------------< >-------------- Hooray! --------------< > < > Data format verification SUCCESSFUL < > < > with No Warnings < > < >-------------------------------------< >-----------------------------------------------------------< > Be aware that this means the number of bytes is correct < > in the appropriate places and that the format appears < > to be correct. This does NOT mean that the data contained < > in those bytes is necessarily correct or valid! < >-----------------------------------------------------------<