[Paraview] Visualizing complex vibration modes

Nima Maftoon n_maftoon at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 30 16:57:33 EST 2015

Hello all, 

I am trying to visualize complex vibration modes with Paraview. Unlike in a real mode, points in a complex mode have different phases. Please see previous discussions on this subject:http://www.salome-platform.org/forum/forum_10/587894859http://www.paraview.org/pipermail/paraview/2011-December/023538.html

The Paraview version included in Salome has a macro for modal visualization. I've put that macro and a MED file containing both real and imaginary parts of the mode shapes and another two other MED files for separate real and imaginary parts in the following shared folder. 


The real mode animation in the mode macro is based on applying ExtractSurface(), ScaleVector(), WarpByVector() in cascade and animating the ScaleVector using a sinusoidal interpolation in a CompositeKeyFrame. However for a complex mode two components should drive the WrapByVector filter.

I describe my thoughts, which didn't solve the problem, below:
If the complex mode shape is a+jb, the animated mode shape should have a form like a cos(wt)+b cos(wt+pi/2). w is only for visualization and can be 2pi, 1, etc. t can come from the animation time. I learned about GetAnimationTime () that can be accessed inside a PythonAnimationCue (). Another way of getting the time is through CompositeKeyFrame for real and imaginary parts where "Phase" for one of them should be set to pi/2 (it is not clear to me whether the phase should be defined as deg or rad for CompositeKeyFrame). I guess at least one of my problem is that I don't know how to access data of the imaginary and real fields in the complex file or data of the two separate reader sources and do math operation on them to make a new field out of them and feed it to a wrap filter. 

Any thoughts would be appreciated.Nima
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