[Paraview] question about integrate function(for Schlieren image)

Andy Bauer andy.bauer at kitware.com
Mon Dec 28 08:16:49 EST 2015


This is a fairly complex algorithm to do in parallel for general data sets.
For something like a vtkImageData or vtkRectilinearGrid though it should be
manageable. One option would be to use the Resample with Dataset filter to
project onto a vtkImageData if you have a vtkUnstructuredGrid or
vtkStructuredGrid and then do the integration in one direction. The
Integrate Variables filter always integrates over the entire data set.


On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 10:28 AM, 陈怡然 <cyrcyr123 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Paraview group:
>         I'm a student who use paraview for openfoam data.
>         Now I'm dealing with a problem about 3D Schlieren image:
>         For 2D Schlieren image, it's easy just to use a partial derivative
> for the density, for 3D however,
> may need a integral function that integrate volume derivative data through
> one direction into a plane.
>         I found that the 'volume rendering' does the similar job, but I
> need to accumulate the data by the direction
> instead of accumulating the color. Also, I found a filter called
> 'integrate variables' yet I don't know how to use it or
> whether it can integrate all the volume into a plane.
>         Is there any kind of filter that I can use to get the results for
> the current version? or any suggestions on
> how I should manage to custom this filter?
>         I would be so pleased if I can have your reply.
> Best wishes!
> Yiran Chen
> Center for Combustion Energy
> Tsinghua Univerisity
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