[Paraview] Building paraview with piston -- enabling GPGPU support

David E DeMarle dave.demarle at kitware.com
Fri Dec 18 10:59:49 EST 2015

What you are seeing is that piston has evolved since the we wrote the vtk
module that interfaces to it. I think the same is true of thrust evolving
since piston 0.4. So, in order to make it work without modifying the code,
you will need to use older versions.

Instead of doing that, I recommend you look into vtk-m project instead.
This is the successor to the since deprecated PISTON and DAX projects.

David E DeMarle
Kitware, Inc.
R&D Engineer
21 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
Phone: 518-881-4909

On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 5:54 AM, Baker D.J. <D.J.Baker at soton.ac.uk> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to integrate GPGPU support in paraview v4.4.0. With that in
> mind I have enabled “PARAVIEW_USE_PISTON” in the cmake configurator, and
> downloaded the Piston source code. The software that I’m using is…
> Paraview 4.4.0
> Piston 0.4
> Cuda toolkit 7.5.18
> The make fails when compiling vtkPistonConverters.cu, and I cannot make
> any progress to resolve my issues. In addition to a load of warnings I see
> the following types of errors:
> piston/choose_container.h(42): error: namespace "thrust::detail" has no
> member "default_device_space_tag"
> VTK/Accelerators/Piston/vtkPistonConverters.cu(93): error: expected a type
> specifier (a couple)
> VTK/Accelerators/Piston/vtkPistonConverters.cu(36): error: too few
> arguments for class template "piston::vtk_image3d" (several times)
> I’m not a C/C++ programmer and so this is a show stopper for me. I’ve
> tried downloading the current VTK source, however that does not help. Could
> anyone please advise on the source of these errors or alternatively advise
> which combination of paraview/piston/cuda give a working solution.
> Best regards,
> David.
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