[Paraview] Axes labels

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Mon Dec 14 14:08:24 EST 2015

That's weird. Try running ParaView with "-dr" command line argument,
any difference?


On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 2:02 PM, Fernando G. del Cueto <fcueto at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm having the hardest time finding a way of displaying labels in axes in
> Paraview 4.4.
> I'm attaching a screenshot of a view where I loaded a bunch of points, and
> after enabling the "Edit Axes Grid" I see the grid, but no labels. I even
> tried adding special markers, etc. and nothing. I've spent hours trying to
> find a way of enabling these (and I've worked with Paraview a year ago, so I
> know it shouldn't be this hard!) and I'm finally suspecting it may be a bug,
> drawing problem or conflict with video drivers, because it shouldn't be this
> hard!
> I've also tried creating a new source Axes, and again, it shows some box,
> but no labels at all.
> Any help or ideas??
> Fernando
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