[Paraview] Export animation breaks paraview after some files

no name keinepostnurmuell at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 08:25:49 EST 2015

What I do:

Open multiple INP files, run them through a pipeline.
Export them as PNG (same error when I do it as a OVG...) via Save Animation.

How does it look:
Right now I have a renderview on the left side and a spreadsheetview
on the right side. Usually after about 30-110 steps the label of the y
axis of the spread sheet view goes 10 pixels to the right or so and
the renderview object disappears completely. Lets say I exported 10
PNGs and after the 8th its broken.

When I then go back in the paraview main window after the animation
made the renderview go south and click for example on the 5th input
file, I also don't see anything in the render view. Even if I try to
load a new INP in that renderview I stell don't see anything.

Using paraview 4.4 on Win10 x64

I did not attach images, as I don't know if that comes through the
mailing list :(

Thanks for your help

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