[Paraview] Paraview v5.0.0-RC1 with OpenGL2 backend not running using OSMESA v10.5.5

Aashish Chaudhary aashish.chaudhary at kitware.com
Thu Dec 10 09:55:29 EST 2015

Hi Frank,

In addition to what Ken said, If you switch to 10.6.5 make sure you have
set in your build and runtime. export MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=3.2.

- Aashish

On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 9:18 AM, Ken Martin <ken.martin at kitware.com> wrote:

> Thanks Frank,
> This is an area we are actively working to cleanup right now. Both in
> catching it more gracefully and in providing better messages to help people
> understand what the next step should be. I believe if you are in an Intel
> based system that using their new SWR backend for mesa (
> http://openswr.org/ ) might give the best software rendering performance.
> I think it requires a more recent version of Mesa, we suggest Mesa 10.6.5
> or later for VTK. Other people on this list are more familiar with the
> specifics of setting up SWR and Mesa on a cluster but I wanted to at least
> give you a quick response to let you know we are working on it :-)
> Thanks
> Ken
> On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 8:47 AM, Albina, Frank <
> frank.albina at sauber-motorsport.com> wrote:
>> Hi all!
>> First of all, thanks for all the effort spent on porting the rendering
>> engine to support the OpenGL2 backend by default on PV 5.0.0. Early tests
>> with the binary from the download page shows a massive improvement over the
>> PV 4.1 to 4.3 versions in terms of rendering time. I have repeated the test
>> over a few different GPUs and got the same results.
>> Which brought me to thinking that similar performance improvements could
>> be also achieved when performing software rendering with the MESA
>> libraries. I downloaded the PV sources for the 5.0.0-RC1 release yesterday
>> and compiled it with MESA and MPI support. MPI version is Intel 5.0.1 and
>> MESA version is 10.5.5. The MESA libraries are compiled using:
>> ./configure --enable-64-bit --enable-texture-float --enable-osmesa
>> --disable-egl --disable-xorg --disable-xvmc --disable-opencl --disable-glx
>> --disable-dri --disable-va --disable-shared-glapi --enable-gallium-llvm=no
>> --with-gnu-ld --with-osmesa-bits=8 --disable-vdpau
>> --enable-dependency-tracking --with-gallium-drivers=””
>> --with-dri-drivers=”” --with-egl-platforms=””
>> Which corresponds to a “classic” compilation without LLVM support.
>> Believe it or not, this was found to run faster on our CPU cluster than
>> with the LLVM drivers.
>> After linking PV 5.0.0 against the MESA libs with the OpenGL2 backend, I
>> started running a simple benchmark to check possible performance benefits
>> and here is the error output I got:
>> GL_Version: 2.1 Mesa 10.5.5
>> Warning: In
>> /panfs/srvpan01/code/repo/build/paraview-5.0.0-rc1/src/VTK/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkOpenGLRenderWindow.cxx,
>> line 549
>> vtkOSOpenGLRenderWindow (0x3c0eef60): VTK is designed to work with OpenGL
>> version 3.2 but it appears it has been given a context that does not
>> support 3.2. VTK will run in a compatibility mode designed to work with
>> OpenGL 2.1 but some features may not work.
>> ERROR: In
>> /panfs/srvpan01/code/repo/build/paraview-5.0.0-rc1/src/VTK/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkShaderProgram.cxx,
>> line 369
>> vtkShaderProgram (0x4d4dbfe0): 1: #version 120
>> 2: #extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : require
>> 3: #define highp
>> 4: #define mediump
>> 5: #define lowp
>> 6:
>> 7:
>> /*=========================================================================
>> 8:
>> 9:   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
>> 10:   Module:    vtkPolyDataFS.glsl
>> 11:
>> 12:   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
>> 13:   All rights reserved.
>> 14:   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for
>> details.
>> 15:
>> 16:      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
>> 17:      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
>> 18:      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
>> 19:
>> 20:
>> =========================================================================*/
>> 21: // Template for the polydata mappers fragment shader
>> 22:
>> 23: uniform int PrimitiveIDOffset;
>> 24:
>> 25: // VC position of this fragment
>> 26: varying vec4 vertexVCVSOutput;
>> 27:
>> 28: // optional color passed in from the vertex shader, vertexColor
>> 29: uniform bool OverridesColor;
>> 30: uniform float opacityUniform; // the fragment opacity
>> 31: uniform vec3 ambientColorUniform; // intensity weighted color
>> 32: uniform vec3 diffuseColorUniform; // intensity weighted color
>> 33: uniform vec3 specularColorUniform; // intensity weighted color
>> 34: uniform float specularPowerUniform;
>> 35:
>> 36:
>> 37: // optional surface normal declaration
>> 38: uniform int cameraParallel;
>> 39:
>> 40: // extra lighting parameters
>> 41: uniform int numberOfLights;
>> 42: uniform vec3 lightColor[6];
>> 43: uniform vec3 lightDirectionVC[6]; // normalized
>> 44: uniform vec3 lightHalfAngleVC[6]; // normalized
>> 45:
>> 46: // Texture coordinates
>> 47: varying vec2 tcoordVCVSOutput; uniform sampler2D texture1;
>> 48:
>> 49: // picking support
>> 50: //VTK::Picking::Dec
>> 51:
>> 52: // Depth Peeling Support
>> 53: //VTK::DepthPeeling::Dec
>> 54:
>> 55: // clipping plane vars
>> 56: //VTK::Clip::Dec
>> 57:
>> 58: // the output of this shader
>> 59: //VTK::Output::Dec
>> 60:
>> 61: // Apple Bug
>> 62: //VTK::PrimID::Dec
>> 63:
>> 64: void main()
>> 65: {
>> 66:   // Apple Bug
>> 67:   //VTK::PrimID::Impl
>> 68:
>> 69:   //VTK::Clip::Impl
>> 70:
>> 71:   vec3 ambientColor;
>> 72:   vec3 diffuseColor;
>> 73:   float opacity;
>> 74:   vec3 specularColor;
>> 75:   float specularPower;
>> 76:   ambientColor = ambientColorUniform;
>> 77:   diffuseColor = diffuseColorUniform;
>> 78:   opacity = opacityUniform;
>> 79:   specularColor = specularColorUniform;
>> 80:   specularPower = specularPowerUniform;
>> 81:   vec4 texColor = texture2D(texture1, tcoordVCVSOutput.st);
>> 82:   diffuseColor = texColor.rgb;
>> 83:   opacity = opacity*texColor.a;
>> 84:   if (OverridesColor) {
>> 85:     ambientColor = ambientColorUniform;
>> 86:     diffuseColor = diffuseColorUniform; }
>> 87:
>> 88:
>> 89:   // VC position of this fragment
>> 90:   vec4 vertexVC = vertexVCVSOutput;
>> 91:
>> 92:   // Generate the normal if we are not passed in one
>> 93:   vec3 fdx =
>> normalize(vec3(dFdx(vertexVC.x),dFdx(vertexVC.y),dFdx(vertexVC.z)));
>> 94:   vec3 fdy =
>> normalize(vec3(dFdy(vertexVC.x),dFdy(vertexVC.y),dFdy(vertexVC.z)));
>> 95:   vec3 normalVCVSOutput = normalize(cross(fdx,fdy));
>> 96:   if (cameraParallel == 1 && normalVCVSOutput.z < 0.0) {
>> normalVCVSOutput = -1.0*normalVCVSOutput; }
>> 97:   if (cameraParallel == 0 && dot(normalVCVSOutput,vertexVC.xyz) >
>> 0.0) { normalVCVSOutput = -1.0*normalVCVSOutput; }
>> 98:
>> 99:   vec3 diffuse = vec3(0,0,0);
>> 100:   vec3 specular = vec3(0,0,0);
>> 101:   for (int lightNum = 0; lightNum < numberOfLights; lightNum++)
>> 102:     {
>> 103:     float df = max(0.0, dot(normalVCVSOutput,
>> -lightDirectionVC[lightNum]));
>> 104:     diffuse += ((df) * lightColor[lightNum]);
>> 105:     if (dot(normalVCVSOutput, lightDirectionVC[lightNum]) < 0.0)
>> 106:       {
>> 107:       float sf = pow( max(0.0,
>> dot(lightHalfAngleVC[lightNum],normalVCVSOutput)), specularPower);
>> 108:       specular += ((sf) * lightColor[lightNum]);
>> 109:       }
>> 110:     }
>> 111:   diffuse = diffuse * diffuseColor;
>> 112:   specular = specular * specularColor;
>> 113:   gl_FragData[0] = vec4(ambientColor + diffuse + specular,
>> opacity);  //VTK::Light::Impl
>> 114:
>> 115:   //VTK::TCoord::Impl
>> 116:
>> 117:   if (gl_FragData[0].a <= 0.0)
>> 118:     {
>> 119:     discard;
>> 120:     }
>> 121:
>> 122:   //VTK::DepthPeeling::Impl
>> 123:
>> 124:   //VTK::Picking::Impl
>> 125:
>> 126: }
>> 127:
>> ERROR: In
>> /panfs/srvpan01/code/repo/build/paraview-5.0.0-rc1/src/VTK/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkShaderProgram.cxx,
>> line 370
>> vtkShaderProgram (0x4d4dbfe0): 0:2(12): error: extension
>> `GL_EXT_gpu_shader4' unsupported in fragment shader
>> 11)
>> Was it to be expected? If so, is there any chance at all to run PV 5.0.0
>> in batch with MESA support on a CPU cluster? If so, which MESA version is
>> required/recommended and what are the compile options to pass?
>> Thank you very much in advance for any answer.
>> *Frank Albina *
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> Ken Martin PhD
> Chairman & CFO
> Kitware Inc.
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*| Aashish Chaudhary | Technical Leader         | Kitware Inc.            *
*| http://www.kitware.com/company/team/chaudhary.html
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