[Paraview] Paraview v5.0.0-RC1 with OpenGL2 backend not running using OSMESA v10.5.5

Ken Martin ken.martin at kitware.com
Thu Dec 10 09:18:44 EST 2015

Thanks Frank,

This is an area we are actively working to cleanup right now. Both in
catching it more gracefully and in providing better messages to help people
understand what the next step should be. I believe if you are in an Intel
based system that using their new SWR backend for mesa ( http://openswr.org/
) might give the best software rendering performance. I think it requires a
more recent version of Mesa, we suggest Mesa 10.6.5 or later for VTK. Other
people on this list are more familiar with the specifics of setting up SWR
and Mesa on a cluster but I wanted to at least give you a quick response to
let you know we are working on it :-)


On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 8:47 AM, Albina, Frank <
frank.albina at sauber-motorsport.com> wrote:

> Hi all!
> First of all, thanks for all the effort spent on porting the rendering
> engine to support the OpenGL2 backend by default on PV 5.0.0. Early tests
> with the binary from the download page shows a massive improvement over the
> PV 4.1 to 4.3 versions in terms of rendering time. I have repeated the test
> over a few different GPUs and got the same results.
> Which brought me to thinking that similar performance improvements could
> be also achieved when performing software rendering with the MESA
> libraries. I downloaded the PV sources for the 5.0.0-RC1 release yesterday
> and compiled it with MESA and MPI support. MPI version is Intel 5.0.1 and
> MESA version is 10.5.5. The MESA libraries are compiled using:
> ./configure --enable-64-bit --enable-texture-float --enable-osmesa
> --disable-egl --disable-xorg --disable-xvmc --disable-opencl --disable-glx
> --disable-dri --disable-va --disable-shared-glapi --enable-gallium-llvm=no
> --with-gnu-ld --with-osmesa-bits=8 --disable-vdpau
> --enable-dependency-tracking --with-gallium-drivers=””
> --with-dri-drivers=”” --with-egl-platforms=””
> Which corresponds to a “classic” compilation without LLVM support. Believe
> it or not, this was found to run faster on our CPU cluster than with the
> LLVM drivers.
> After linking PV 5.0.0 against the MESA libs with the OpenGL2 backend, I
> started running a simple benchmark to check possible performance benefits
> and here is the error output I got:
> GL_Version: 2.1 Mesa 10.5.5
> Warning: In
> /panfs/srvpan01/code/repo/build/paraview-5.0.0-rc1/src/VTK/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkOpenGLRenderWindow.cxx,
> line 549
> vtkOSOpenGLRenderWindow (0x3c0eef60): VTK is designed to work with OpenGL
> version 3.2 but it appears it has been given a context that does not
> support 3.2. VTK will run in a compatibility mode designed to work with
> OpenGL 2.1 but some features may not work.
> /panfs/srvpan01/code/repo/build/paraview-5.0.0-rc1/src/VTK/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkShaderProgram.cxx,
> line 369
> vtkShaderProgram (0x4d4dbfe0): 1: #version 120
> 2: #extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : require
> 3: #define highp
> 4: #define mediump
> 5: #define lowp
> 6:
> 7:
> /*=========================================================================
> 8:
> 9:   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
> 10:   Module:    vtkPolyDataFS.glsl
> 11:
> 12:   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
> 13:   All rights reserved.
> 14:   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for
> details.
> 15:
> 16:      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
> 17:      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
> 18:      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
> 19:
> 20:
> =========================================================================*/
> 21: // Template for the polydata mappers fragment shader
> 22:
> 23: uniform int PrimitiveIDOffset;
> 24:
> 25: // VC position of this fragment
> 26: varying vec4 vertexVCVSOutput;
> 27:
> 28: // optional color passed in from the vertex shader, vertexColor
> 29: uniform bool OverridesColor;
> 30: uniform float opacityUniform; // the fragment opacity
> 31: uniform vec3 ambientColorUniform; // intensity weighted color
> 32: uniform vec3 diffuseColorUniform; // intensity weighted color
> 33: uniform vec3 specularColorUniform; // intensity weighted color
> 34: uniform float specularPowerUniform;
> 35:
> 36:
> 37: // optional surface normal declaration
> 38: uniform int cameraParallel;
> 39:
> 40: // extra lighting parameters
> 41: uniform int numberOfLights;
> 42: uniform vec3 lightColor[6];
> 43: uniform vec3 lightDirectionVC[6]; // normalized
> 44: uniform vec3 lightHalfAngleVC[6]; // normalized
> 45:
> 46: // Texture coordinates
> 47: varying vec2 tcoordVCVSOutput; uniform sampler2D texture1;
> 48:
> 49: // picking support
> 50: //VTK::Picking::Dec
> 51:
> 52: // Depth Peeling Support
> 53: //VTK::DepthPeeling::Dec
> 54:
> 55: // clipping plane vars
> 56: //VTK::Clip::Dec
> 57:
> 58: // the output of this shader
> 59: //VTK::Output::Dec
> 60:
> 61: // Apple Bug
> 62: //VTK::PrimID::Dec
> 63:
> 64: void main()
> 65: {
> 66:   // Apple Bug
> 67:   //VTK::PrimID::Impl
> 68:
> 69:   //VTK::Clip::Impl
> 70:
> 71:   vec3 ambientColor;
> 72:   vec3 diffuseColor;
> 73:   float opacity;
> 74:   vec3 specularColor;
> 75:   float specularPower;
> 76:   ambientColor = ambientColorUniform;
> 77:   diffuseColor = diffuseColorUniform;
> 78:   opacity = opacityUniform;
> 79:   specularColor = specularColorUniform;
> 80:   specularPower = specularPowerUniform;
> 81:   vec4 texColor = texture2D(texture1, tcoordVCVSOutput.st);
> 82:   diffuseColor = texColor.rgb;
> 83:   opacity = opacity*texColor.a;
> 84:   if (OverridesColor) {
> 85:     ambientColor = ambientColorUniform;
> 86:     diffuseColor = diffuseColorUniform; }
> 87:
> 88:
> 89:   // VC position of this fragment
> 90:   vec4 vertexVC = vertexVCVSOutput;
> 91:
> 92:   // Generate the normal if we are not passed in one
> 93:   vec3 fdx =
> normalize(vec3(dFdx(vertexVC.x),dFdx(vertexVC.y),dFdx(vertexVC.z)));
> 94:   vec3 fdy =
> normalize(vec3(dFdy(vertexVC.x),dFdy(vertexVC.y),dFdy(vertexVC.z)));
> 95:   vec3 normalVCVSOutput = normalize(cross(fdx,fdy));
> 96:   if (cameraParallel == 1 && normalVCVSOutput.z < 0.0) {
> normalVCVSOutput = -1.0*normalVCVSOutput; }
> 97:   if (cameraParallel == 0 && dot(normalVCVSOutput,vertexVC.xyz) > 0.0)
> { normalVCVSOutput = -1.0*normalVCVSOutput; }
> 98:
> 99:   vec3 diffuse = vec3(0,0,0);
> 100:   vec3 specular = vec3(0,0,0);
> 101:   for (int lightNum = 0; lightNum < numberOfLights; lightNum++)
> 102:     {
> 103:     float df = max(0.0, dot(normalVCVSOutput,
> -lightDirectionVC[lightNum]));
> 104:     diffuse += ((df) * lightColor[lightNum]);
> 105:     if (dot(normalVCVSOutput, lightDirectionVC[lightNum]) < 0.0)
> 106:       {
> 107:       float sf = pow( max(0.0,
> dot(lightHalfAngleVC[lightNum],normalVCVSOutput)), specularPower);
> 108:       specular += ((sf) * lightColor[lightNum]);
> 109:       }
> 110:     }
> 111:   diffuse = diffuse * diffuseColor;
> 112:   specular = specular * specularColor;
> 113:   gl_FragData[0] = vec4(ambientColor + diffuse + specular, opacity);
> //VTK::Light::Impl
> 114:
> 115:   //VTK::TCoord::Impl
> 116:
> 117:   if (gl_FragData[0].a <= 0.0)
> 118:     {
> 119:     discard;
> 120:     }
> 121:
> 122:   //VTK::DepthPeeling::Impl
> 123:
> 124:   //VTK::Picking::Impl
> 125:
> 126: }
> 127:
> /panfs/srvpan01/code/repo/build/paraview-5.0.0-rc1/src/VTK/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkShaderProgram.cxx,
> line 370
> vtkShaderProgram (0x4d4dbfe0): 0:2(12): error: extension
> `GL_EXT_gpu_shader4' unsupported in fragment shader
> Was it to be expected? If so, is there any chance at all to run PV 5.0.0
> in batch with MESA support on a CPU cluster? If so, which MESA version is
> required/recommended and what are the compile options to pass?
> Thank you very much in advance for any answer.
> *Frank Albina *
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Ken Martin PhD
Chairman & CFO
Kitware Inc.
28 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park NY 12065
518 371 3971

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