[Paraview] Sync time update for a vtkTable and vtkPolyData

Matheus Viana vianamp at gmail.com
Mon Dec 7 00:28:15 EST 2015

Hi guys.

I am facing an interesting problem. I loaded in Paraview a polyData surface
that changes in time. I have 10 time steps for this surface. At the same
time, I have for each time step, a text file containing xyz coordinates.
When I load these text files in Paraview, they are represented as vtkTables.

My problem is that the polydata surface and the vtkTable cannot be
displayed on the same view in Paraview as far as I know. Therefore, when I

view = GetActiveView()
view.ViewTime = time_step_I_want

to update the time to the time step I want, only one of the two are
actually updated, depending on which is is being shown in the view.

Is there any way to force a given source (surface and table in this case)
to jump to a particular time step?


*Matheus Viana*
*Postdoctoral Research Employee*
*Developmental and Cell Biology*
*University of California Irvine*
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