[Paraview] [EXTERNAL] Bug in the Animation export?

Scott, W Alan wascott at sandia.gov
Wed Dec 2 12:45:11 EST 2015

That is strange.  Can you pass the dataset, along with good directions, to Kitware?  Write up a bug report?

To get around your specific issue, one idea would be to do it in multiple steps.  In other words:
* Set up visualization.
* Save state file  
* Save Animation for  timesteps 0 through 99 as .png files
* kill, reload ParaView
* Load state file.  If camera angle has changed, save and restore camera angle.
* Save Animation for timesteps 100 through 199 as .png files
* Stitch all .png files together into a movie.


-----Original Message-----
From: ParaView [mailto:paraview-bounces at paraview.org] On Behalf Of no name
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 3:43 AM
To: ParaView
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Paraview] Bug in the Animation export?

Hi there

I have an odd problem I am trying to come over, but so far with no success - I am using ParaView 4.4 and I have 200 Files I read in
(*.INP) and I want to export an animation.

The files themselves run through a pipeline, consisting of "Gradient of unstructured DataSet" and Calculators and some thresholds.

All in all there are about a dozen filters applied.

Now I start with INP 0001 and go to INP 0202 by hand -> all works fine.
Now I start with INP 0001 and use "Export Animation" and at INP 0117 the picture does not change any more. From now on the picture stays, whatever I do in paraview, so if I go back to INP 0001 I still see INP 0117. Or it disappears completely.

Has anyone an idea of how I could proceed?

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