[Paraview] Any suggestion for work environment to run Catalyst examples ???

Ufuk Utku Turuncoglu (BE) u.utku.turuncoglu at be.itu.edu.tr
Thu Apr 30 09:21:16 EDT 2015


I would like to run Catalyst examples but i failed in following attempts:

*1 - MacOS 10.10.2 + **Enthought **Canopy_64bit + 
OpenMPI**1.8.4 + Paraview 4.3.1 source*

When i trying to install Paraview 4.3.1, i am getting error related with 
qsqlite library after compiling %99 of the source. There are some 
discussion in the net but it does not solve the problem.
**2 - Centos 7.0 + output of package Python 2.7.5 + OpenMPI ***1.8.4 *+ 
**Paraview 4.3.1 (installed under VirtualBox)*

It gives following error when i try to run the Catalyst examples. In 
this case, both Paraview and Catalyst examples are compiled without any 

line 812
vtkSocketCommunicator (0x13a6090): Could not receive tag. 1

when i try to use pre-compiled Paraview, then i am getting following error.

line 572
vtkClientSocket (0x1deeb20): Socket error in call to send. Broken pipe.

At this point, i just wonder about the details of work environment that 
runs Catalyst examples (found in Git repository) without any problem. 
Which operating system (Fedora, Ubuntu etc.) and version can be used? 
Which Python and Paraview version? Any particular library that will be 
used in the installation? Any success about running Catalyst examples? I 
just want to reproduce the results of the examples and first, i need to 
setup environment for it. Please let me know your experience about it. 
At this stage (with current documentation and information), it is 
impossible to not run the examples.

Best Regard,

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