[Paraview] ParaView as ThirdParty

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Tue Apr 21 15:27:01 EDT 2015

> (1) when selecting PARAVIEW_INSTALL_DEVELOPMENT_FILES, I must have
> PARAVIEW_ENABLE_PYTHON:BOOL=ON; otherwise I get build errors for missing
> libraries.

That sounds like a bug. Mind posting the error messages?

> (2) then after a successful build, I try to build my project against these
> ParaView/VTK libraries again; however, I get an error with
> vtkPVInitializePythonModules()

You should link with the library providing this function, as done in
ParaView/Applications/ParaView/CMakeLists.txt. Here's the relevant

    LINK_PRIVATE vtkUtilitiesPythonInitializer)

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