[Paraview] Pvbatch not performing significantly better in parallel

Massimiliano Leoni leoni.massimiliano1 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 18 06:40:02 EDT 2015

Hi everybody,

I am trying to run pvbatch in parallel to render an animation, with a very 
easy script that looks like
     *  import sys
     *  from paraview.simple import *

     *  # read pvsm file from command line and load it
     *  stateFile = sys.argv[1]
     *  simulation = stateFile.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0]
     *  servermanager.LoadState(stateFile)

     *  # set active view and render animation
     *  SetActiveView(GetRenderView())
     *  WriteAnimation(simulation + ".jpg",magnification=2,quality=2)
I compiled paraview from sources, configuring with
and then building all.
I am doing a benchmark on 11GB of data distributed over many pvd/vtu 
files [written by an MPI application in parallel].
I copied the data to a tmpfs folder to ensure the execution is not slowed 
down by disk access.
Executing pvbatch on 1 or 16 processors doesn't really seem to change 
anything.In particular, I was expecting to see the frames appearing in 
blocks of 16 when running with mpi on 16 procs, but they always appear 
one at a time at a constant pace, which makes me suspect that the other 
processes aren't really contributing to the rendering.

What could I be doing wrong?Any suggestion is highly appreciated.
Best regards,
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