[Paraview] Do Paraview support the parallel of ply file ?

周恒众 zhz1993622 at 163.com
Thu Apr 16 23:37:30 EDT 2015

        I use a ply file to do the test . I use two servers to render it and MPI to support the communication . when I use the command: mpirun -n 2 /bin/env DISPLAY=:0 /usr/local/paraview4.2/bin/pvserver ,and a client connect the server . Then I render the file , I found that " vtkParallelRenderManager::SatelliteStartRender();vtkParallelRenderManager::StartRender()",the two function in vtkParallelRenderManager.cxx file isn't use in this test and these fuctions in vtkCommunicator.css:

int vtkCommunicator::Receive(vtkDataObject* data, int remoteHandle,int tag);

vtkDataObject *vtkCommunicator::ReceiveDataObject(int remoteHandle, int tag);

int vtkCommunicator::ReceiveDataObject(vtkDataObject* data, int remoteHandle,int tag, int dataType);

int vtkCommunicator::ReceiveElementalDataObject(vtkDataObject* data, int remoteHandle, int tag);

int vtkCommunicator::Receive(vtkDataArray* data, int remoteHandle, int tag)

also haven't been use on the satellite process. I can't underStand , It used which function to receive the data from the node process .  And where to distribute the data? Who can help me .Thank you !
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