[Paraview] Reading CSV data file format

Fedele Stabile fedele.stabile at fis.unical.it
Fri Nov 14 04:09:26 EST 2014

is there anyone interested to help me to distribute data among nodes?
Reading around to try to solve the problem about my large dataset that I
would like to distribute, I have understood that if I run
mpirun -np 4 pvserver
and I load large csv data file, Paraview redistributes data after
reading it.. 
Is this correct?  
Is there a possibility to change the Process Id Scalar associated to a
Thank you in advance,
Fedele Stabile
Il giorno mar, 11/11/2014 alle 17.05 +0100, Fedele Stabile ha scritto:
> Hello,
> I'm new with ParaView and would like to visualize large dataset.
> My data are in a large file in CSV format (x,y,z,val)
> If I would use the memory of two server it is better to split the single
> file in two but I suppose it's necessary to convert the CSV file into a
> XML format.
> Can you help me to solve the problem?
> I use paraview client/server, the server is a cluster where I use MPI to
> run the pvserver
> Thank you in advance,
> Fedele Stabile 

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