[Paraview] VTK/ParaView course in Santa Fe, NM

Sebastien Jourdain sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com
Mon Mar 31 11:53:40 EDT 2014

Kitware is hosting a VTK-ParaView training course in Santa Fe, NM. The
two-day course will be held from May 14 to May 15, 2014 and taught by Sebastien
Jourdain.The course will present tutorials and exercises to mix theory and
application. Using a practical oriented methodology, attendees will learn
about the common uses of VTK. In addition, the course will provide an
overview of ParaView, in particular how to visualize and browse datasets,
as well as how to use technics to post process them on a client/server
environment using examples based on use cases of several scientific domains.

Objectives of the course include to understand the VTK pipeline; to view 2D
images, meshes, and stacks of images; to discover ParaView; to load data
using ParaView; and to implement parallel processing using ParaView.
Additional details and registration information are available on the Kitware
website <http://training.kitware.fr/browse/56>.

Basic knowledge of C++ is a prerequisite for this course. The price of the
course via early registration is $1,100. Early registration is available
through April 25, 2014. The price of the course via regular registration is
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