[Paraview] Comparing results computed with 2 different meshes

Cory Quammen cory.quammen at kitware.com
Thu Jan 30 15:25:58 EST 2014

On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 2:31 PM, Evan Kao <tossin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Cory,
> Thanks for the suggestion.  Resample With Dataset solves the problem of
> matching up the Point IDs, but only passes data from the Input (which I
> guess makes sense given its purpose), so I think regardless of what I rename
> the arrays, the data will always be from only one of the meshes meaning I
> can't use Calculator to compare the data.

How about using Append Attributes to combine the arrays of Resample
With Dataset and the Source?

> I think my main obstacle is the data type.  Paraview reads in Ensight data
> as a Multi-Block data set, but neither Append Datasets nor the Python
> Calculator seem to work on that data type.  Is there a simple way to convert
> them into a format that can be read by those filters?

You can use Merge Blocks to combine all the blocks in a Multi-Block
data set to an unstructured grid.


> Thanks,
> Evan
> On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 6:10 AM, Cory Quammen <cory.quammen at kitware.com>
> wrote:
>> Evan,
>> You might want to take a look at the Resample With Dataset filter. One
>> of your meshes would be the Input and one would be the Source. What
>> this filter will do is sample the data values in the Input mesh at the
>> locations of points in the Source. If I understand the setup of your
>> meshes, this should essentially take care of the problem where your
>> point IDs are not the same. The result will be a single mesh with two
>> data arrays that you can then compare point by point.
>> You might run into a problem if both meshes use the same name for the
>> point array from which you want to get values (one will clobber the
>> other). You can take care of that by using the Calculator to rename
>> one of the mesh's arrays, then using the result of the calculator as
>> the Input or Source.
>> Hope that helps,
>> Cory
>> On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 4:18 PM, Evan Kao <tossin at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hello all,
>> >
>> > I'm trying to compare the results of 2 CFD simulations (which are
>> > imported
>> > into Paraview as Ensight data) point-by-point but I'm having trouble
>> > figuring out how to even combine the data into a single Pipeline object
>> > so
>> > that I can do some simple calculations with the Calculator Filter.  I'd
>> > appreciate it if anyone could let me know if what I'm trying to do is
>> > natively possible in Paraview, and if not, provide some suggestions on
>> > how
>> > to approach it.
>> >
>> > What might complicate the process is that the results were obtained
>> > using
>> > two different meshes (in fact, it's a mesh comparison test).  The points
>> > I
>> > want to look at are the same for both meshes, but the point IDs are
>> > different.
>> >
>> > So what I'd like to do in summary is:
>> > 1) Is there a way to extract and sort the data in a way such that the
>> > point
>> > IDs are the same for both meshes?
>> >
>> > 2) Is there a way to convert/manipulate the data into a single Pipeline
>> > object for comparison?  Or to compare the results of different Pipeline
>> > objects?  I've tried various combinations of filters like
>> > AppendDatasets,
>> > GroupDatasets, and MergeBlocks with little success.
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Evan
>> >
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