[Paraview] Comparing results computed with 2 different meshes

Evan Kao tossin at gmail.com
Mon Jan 27 16:18:09 EST 2014

Hello all,

I'm trying to compare the results of 2 CFD simulations (which are imported
into Paraview as Ensight data) point-by-point but I'm having trouble
figuring out how to even combine the data into a single Pipeline object so
that I can do some simple calculations with the Calculator Filter.  I'd
appreciate it if anyone could let me know if what I'm trying to do is
natively possible in Paraview, and if not, provide some suggestions on how
to approach it.

What might complicate the process is that the results were obtained using
two different meshes (in fact, it's a mesh comparison test).  The points I
want to look at are the same for both meshes, but the point IDs are

So what I'd like to do in summary is:
1) Is there a way to extract and sort the data in a way such that the point
IDs are the same for both meshes?

2) Is there a way to convert/manipulate the data into a single Pipeline
object for comparison?  Or to compare the results of different Pipeline
objects?  I've tried various combinations of filters like AppendDatasets,
GroupDatasets, and MergeBlocks with little success.

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