[Paraview] Status of reload button?

Christoph Grüninger christoph.grueninger at iws.uni-stuttgart.de
Mon Jan 20 02:50:36 EST 2014

Hi Utkarsh,
as you asked for my opinion: I use the file formats VTU, VTP, and PVD
and would like to see a reload button them. As a first step a reload
button should just reload the currently visible file. As a next step, I
would love to see that for multiple files there number is updated, too.

I would also consider the needs of large user groups like openFOAM users.


Am 15.01.2014 16:39, schrieb Utkarsh Ayachit:
> Christoph,
> The issues Alan pointed out are indeed some of the concerns. It's been
> that and priorities of the sources that fund ParaView development that
> we never got around to investigating this too deeply or coming up with
> an all encompassing solution. Maybe we start by picking a small set of
> readers to start adding this support to and that could be a good way to
> attack this.
> If we were to come with with such as readers list, what would those be?
> Utkarsh

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