[Paraview] color using side set ID

Coon, Ethan ecoon at lanl.gov
Tue Jan 14 16:01:00 EST 2014

Hello Paraview people,

I'm sure this is something simple that I'm missing, but my google-fu and RTFM-fu is failing me.

I have Exodus meshes which include Side Sets.  In paraview 3.14.1, I was able to look at these side sets as they would show up in the generic list of "Sets" after loading the mesh as "Unnamed set ID: X".  Then selecting these and de-selecting all Blocks, and coloring by ObjectID would color the various side sets.

In paraview 3.98/4.0, this "Sets" panel has gone away.  If I click on the "Information" tab, I can still see that Paraview recognizes my sets as "Side Sets", but all statistics are "NA", and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to view these.

I assume this capability has not gone away, and that I'm doing something wrong, so any suggestions would be helpful.  Thanks,


Ethan Coon
Research Scientist
Computational Earth Sciences -- EES-16
Los Alamos National Laboratory

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