[Paraview] Discovery of a 'nice' bug in volume rendering

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Mon Jan 13 18:16:03 EST 2014


Do you think you share the data + state file? That'll make it a little
easier to track the problem down.


On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 3:49 AM, Den Fairol <den.fairol at infovalley.net.my>wrote:

> Hi,
> In the midst of figuring out having synchronize viewports in ParaViewWeb,
> I accidentally bumped into a ‘bug’. This bug actually cropped up from
> ParaView (see image sequence at the bottom page). First and second exhibits
> show a before and after rotation around X-axis. How did I arrive to this?
> Load two objects, volume rendered the first, surface rendered the other.
> Then I link up the second view/camera to the first one. Aligning the
> objects together via translation. Apply a transfer function, save the state
> and exit. Upon reloading the state, interacting with either object will
> cause a ‘clipping-effect’ to the first object when it enters a certain
> planar coordinate, which is neat primarily because now I can perform ROI on
> volumetric data (at oblique angle) without incurring the wrath of
> data-explosion from the clipping filter! The catch is, this effect will
> subside the moment I commit any change to the transfer function or even
> snapshot (hence why I did screen capture instead). Could anyone shed a
> light on this some-what welcoming glitch? This
> Regards,
> Den
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