[Paraview] OpacityTableValues

Favre Jean jfavre at cscs.ch
Tue Jan 7 15:35:38 EST 2014

cut and paste error in my previous mail:

I used to have the following lines (which create the error)

LoadPlugin("/local/apps/ParaView-v4.1.0Build/lib/libPointSprite_Plugin.so", ns=globals())
LoadPlugin("/local/apps/ParaView-v4.1.0Build/lib/libH5PartReader.so", ns=globals())

I then reverted the order of loads to this,

LoadPlugin("/local/apps/ParaView-v4.1.0Build/lib/libH5PartReader.so", ns=globals())
LoadPlugin("/local/apps/ParaView-v4.1.0Build/lib/libPointSprite_Plugin.so", ns=globals())

and it works fine. I am perhaps missing a subtlety of LoadPlugin()

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