[Paraview] CUDA dependency issue when building ParaView 4.1.0-RC2 on Mac

Burlen Loring bloring at lbl.gov
Thu Jan 2 16:33:33 EST 2014

Hi Benjamin,

This is of interest to me as I haven't been involved in the recent 
plugin changes and need to look through them more closely.

You reported an informational message that is not an error. Could you 
report the actual error?

btw, I also see the message on my ATI based system, but it doesn't 
prevent me from building. For example in ccmake I can press "e" to exit 
the informational screen where the message is displayed and then hit "g" 
to generate the make files and go on to compile without issue.


On 01/02/2014 12:41 PM, Benjamin Spencer wrote:
> I'm trying to build ParaView 4.1.0-RC2 from source on Mac OS (10.8.5). 
>  This machine does not have CUDA installed (and has no nvidia graphics 
> hardware).
> When running ccmake, I get this error:
> CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR not found or specified
> This seems to be coming from the call:
> find_package(CUDA)
> in
> Plugins/SciberQuestToolKit/SciberQuest/CMakeLists.txt
> If I comment that line out, I can successfully compile.  I'm no cmake 
> guru, but it seems like if I don't have CUDA installed, 
> find_package(CUDA) should just set CUDA_FOUND to OFF and not require 
> any paths to CUDA to be set.  Maybe this is an issue with the CUDA 
> module in CMake rather than ParaView.  I'm using the latest CMake 
> (
> Thanks,
> Ben
> Benjamin Spencer
> Fuels Modeling and Simulation
> Idaho National Laboratory
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