[Paraview] Paraview/Load File and Take Screenshot

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Fri Dec 19 13:42:04 EST 2014

You can indeed run a python script from terminal to automate such a
task. Use pvpython or pvbatch executables. Those are simply Python
interpreters with ParaView initialization stub. You can pass in a
script as command line argument and the application will quit once the
script is done.


On Fri, Dec 19, 2014 at 9:01 AM, Fastl, Thomas <thomas.fastl at kcl.ac.uk> wrote:
> Dear Paraview-Community,
> I am currently running parameter sweeps and want to visually compare the
> result (a single .vtk file) to a base line (a single .vtk file). Therefore,
> I wanted to load both .vtk-files in Paraview, generate a screenshot of them
> and close Paraview again. Since I have several hundred simulations this task
> would be very tedious to do manually and hence I though I might be able to
> run a python script from the terminal to do this task in an automated
> fashion.
> I have found this link online
> (http://public.kitware.com/pipermail/paraview/2011-October/023026.html)
> which is not very promising, but also hoping that this feature would have
> been added since then. I already want to thank you in advance for any help,
> merry Xmas!
> Kind regards,
> ___________________________
> DI Thomas E Fastl, BSc
> Research Student
> King's College London
> School of Medicine
> Department of Biomedical Engineering
> The Rayne Institute
> 4th Floor, Lambeth Wing
> St Thomas' Hospital, London SE1 7EH
> Email: thomas.fastl at kcl.ac.uk
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