[Paraview] VRUI integration revisited

Stock, Mark Mark.Stock at nrel.gov
Wed Dec 10 18:40:41 EST 2014


I seem to have the same problem as Mr. Pastorelli:
Has this been resolved?

We are running Immersive ParaView 4.2.0 (custom build) on RHEL6.5 machine for both server and client. I can use the vrpn interface for tracking, though translating the model view matrix causes flickering rotations (that's a problem for another day). Due to our need for two vrpn ports (similar to the above exchange), I am trying to use Vrui's VRDeviceDaemon to pass the tracking data to ParaView. When I hit "Start", the program siezes. On the VRDeviceDaemon terminal, the last lines are:

VRDeviceServer: Connecting new client from localhost, port 60884
VRDeviceServer: Waiting for client connection

Killing the process results in a plethora of these errors to the ParaView server terminal:

ERROR: In /opt/ParaView/dist/ParaView-v4.2.0/VTK/Common/System/vtkSocket.cxx, line 572
vtkClientSocket (0x13f9730): Socket error in call to send. Broken pipe.

The same thing happens with Vrui 3.1-002 and 2.6-001. I can run "Vrui/bin/DeviceTest -t 0 localhost:3883" to see that the tracking data does indeed exist.

The relevant section of my state file is:

    <VRUIConnection name="vrconn" address="localhost" port="3883">
      <Tracker id="0" name="head"/>
      <TrackerTransform value="-1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 "/>
    <Style class="vtkVRTrackStyle" proxyName="RenderView1" proxy="3559" property="EyeTransformMatrix">
      <Tracker role="Tracker" name="vrconn.head"/>

Any idea how I can get Vrui tracking to work with ParaView?


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