[Paraview] How to run pvbatch on Windows

BHAMIDIPATI, KEERTI K NH-03 USAF AFMC 812 TSS/ENTT keerti.bhamidipati at us.af.mil
Thu Aug 14 20:17:23 EDT 2014

Apologies if this question was already asked. Has anyone successfully run pvbatch using one of the Kitware provided Paraview Windows binaries?

I am using the Paraview 4.1.0 Kitware compiled binary on a Windows 7 64-bit computer. I would like to debug a script using pvbatch, before uploading it to the supercomputer to post-process. The following syntax seems to kind of work, but the 'mpirun' pop-up window closes before I can see whatever output is shown. Trying to run 'pvbatch' without using 'mpirun' results in a bunch of MPI errors even when the '--no-mpi' flag is specified.

Command Syntax:
'C:\Program Files (x86)\ParaView 4.1.0\bin\pvbatch.exe' -np 2 'C:\Program Files (x86)\ParaView 4.1.0\bin\pvbatch.exe' .\script.py


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